Business Knowledge

BBA212        KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT   MIDTERMTask brief & rubrics


This task is worth 40% of your overall grade for this subject and substitutes the final exam.

Due date: Sunday the20th of November at 23.55


  • Wordcount: 1500/2000
  • Cover, Table of Contents, References and Appendix are excluded of the total wordcount.
  • Font: Arial 12,5 pts.
  • Text alignment: Justified.
  • The in-text References and the Bibliography have to be in Harvard’s citation style.



Explain the Business Model of a traditional, high street clothing retailer.

Analyse how Shein applies the Knowledge Management Cycle to adapt the traditional business model to an online environment.

Evaluate the benefits Shein gets from these changes compared to the traditional model.

Considerwhat traditional high street retailers know about customers, employees, organizational structures and culture etc. from operating their physical stores that Sheindon´t

Taking this into consideration, recommend the steps they would need to take to acquire the necessary knowledge to set up a physical store network in different countries and the first steps they should take to implement it by setting up a flagship store in a European capital.











Marginal fail




Relates the case to the specific knowledge delivered


Demonstrates exceptional knowledge and understanding of concepts. Demonstrate good knowledge and understanding of key concepts- The report demonstrates a satisfactory level of knowledge and understanding of concepts at this basic level. Demonstrates limited knowledge and understanding of the key concepts. Demonstrates extremely poor knowledge and lack of understanding of the key concepts.


All analytical tools are applied very well, and highly relevant insight is drawn from them. Most analytical tools are applied well, and relevant insight is drawn from them. Some analytical tools are applied well although there may be some minor misunderstandings. Some relevant insight may be drawn. Some misunderstandings may be in evidence for one or two tools. Limited insight drawn from analysis. There is almost no attempt to apply tools


There is exceptional evidence of evaluation and justification of recommendations There is some good evidence of evaluations of concepts and justification of recommendations There is some evidence of evaluation of the concepts and justification of recommendations There is little evidence of evaluation of concepts and justification of recommendations There is virtually no evidence of evaluation of concepts and justification of recommendations
Critical skills




Exceptional critical engagement using a range of sound, literature and data-based criteria to assess the effects

Exceptional critical engagement and analysis of complex ideas.

Excellent conclusions based on evaluation.

Good critical engagement using some sound, literature and data-based criteria to assess the effects


Good critical engagement and analysis of complex ideas.


Well justified conclusions based on evaluation.


Fair critical engagement using some criteria but the links to literature or data of these is not mentioned.


Fair critical engagement and analysis of some ideas.


Fair conclusions somewhat based on evaluation.

Marginally inadequate critical engagement.


Scarce attempt to question the concepts and analyze facts.


Conclusions are very short and loosely linked to the data and facts.

Inadequate critical engagement.


Concepts and case completely taken at face value


No conclusions or conclusions are completely unrelated to evaluation.



The assignment is communicated extremely coherently, and referencing is accurate throughout The assignment is communicated quite clearly, and referencing is accurate but there are some issues in terms of spelling and structure The assignment communicates the ideas in a mostly coherent way but there are some errors and some errors in referencing which are not accurate The assignment is understandable but is communicated poorly and referencing is inaccurate The assignment is extremely poor in terms of referencing (inaccurate or absent) and tends to be incoherent or insufficient (length) in terms of conveying ideas