The purpose of this assignment is to (a) explore and present an information technology used in the healthcare systemthat supports the patient care experience and (b) develop the skills of team communication, collaboration, andproduction.
CO1:Describepatient‐caretechnologiesasappropriate toaddresstheneedsof adiverse patient population.(PO1)
CO 5: Identify patient care technologies, information systems, and communication devices that support safe nursingpractice. (PO5)
CO 6: Discuss the principles of data integrity, professional ethics, and legal requirements related to data security,regulatoryrequirements, confidentiality, andclient’s right to privacy.(PO6)
CO8:Discussthevalueofbest evidenceas adrivingforcetoinstitutechangeindeliveryof nursingcare.(PO 8)
Duedate:Your faculty member will informyou when this assignment is due.The LateAssignment Policy applies tothisassignment.
Followthese guidelineswhencompletingthisassignment.Speakwithyourfacultymemberifyouhave questions.
- For this team project, students will be assigned by faculty into teams of three to five individuals depending uponclass size.
- Teams will receive a project grade based on assessment by the project rubric, which will then be applied to everyone’s grade for the project minus points for lack of participation in the development or presentation of theproject.
- Theteamleaderwillmakealldropboxsubmissions forthecourseso thatthe:
- TurnItInsimilarityindexwillnotpickupinadvertentself‐plagiarismfromanotherteammember’s
- Coursefacultywillhaveonly one submissiontoreviewandgrade.
- The PowerPoint presentation will be shared with the class in the Community Café and the actual presentation occur during a Community Café.
- The due date for uploading the presentation and the team presentation will be shared by your course instructor via an Announcement in online course.
- Prepare a PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes between 25‐30 slides, excluding the title and referenceslides.
- SpeakerNotes
- Outlineand“script”thepresentationforonlinestudents.
- Online students’ speaker notes should include the name of the student who researched and presentedtheslideinformation.
- Campusstudentsfollow theguidelinesofyourcourseinstructor.
- Outlineand“script”thepresentationforonlinestudents.
- SpeakerNotes
- ScholarlywritingandAPAguidelines shouldbefollowedasapplicabletoPowerPointslides.
- CitesourcesinAPAformatintheapplicableslides andincludetheAPAformattedreferenceinyourreference
list slide(s)‐minimum6references.
- Spelling,grammar,andpunctuationapplyeveninbullet pointsandspeakerslides(e.g.,quotationmarks,italics,verb tense,etc.).
- Each team will be assigned a healthcare information systems technology (e.g., Computerized Physician Order Entry,Electronic Health Record, Electronic Medical Record, etc.) by the course instructor. For that technology, include thefollowingdiscussions in thepresentation:
- IntroductionofTechnologyand Team -20points/8%
- Presentationprovidesanintroduction that:
- Describesthe technology
- Statesapurposeforuseofthe technology in healthcare
- Establishestheprofessionaltoneforthe presentation
- IntroductionofTechnologyand Team -20points/8%
- HistoryandCurrentUse-30points/14%
- Discussthe historyandcurrentuseofthetechnologyinhealthcare.
- Describe three goalsofthistechnology’simplementation.
- ImpactonHealthcareandNursing – 40 points/16%
- Discussimpactonprofessionalnursingpractice relatedto:
- Patientsafety
- Qualityofcaremeasures/monitoring
- Riskmanagement
- Privacy,confidentiality,andsecurityofpatientdata
- Effectonpopulationwithintheregion
- Ethicalpractice
- Compliancewith legalandregulatorymandates
- Organizationalinfrastructureandoperations
- Supportdiscussionswith examples&datafrom currentevidence-basedresources.
- Discussimpactonprofessionalnursingpractice relatedto:
- ThreeAdvantagesandDisadvantages -40 points/16%
- Patient’sperspective(e.g.,patientoutcomes,safety,patient/familysatisfaction)
- Nurse’sperspective(improves/hindersjobefficiency/safety)
- Healthcareorganization’sperspective(regulatorycompliance, financial,etc.)
- Controversy,Issues,Challenges,andRegulatoryImplications-30 points/14%
- Howmightissuessurroundingthe chosentechnologybeaddressed/solved?
- Providestatisticallysignificantdataorevidence tosupportyourfindings.
- Summary-20points/8%
- Keypoints
- Discoveries/surprises
- Lessonslearned bytheteam
- TeamProjectEvaluation -40points/16%
- Place & discuss the following questions and responses in the slides(s) following the summary slide and priortothe referenceslide(s).
- Howdidthe team functionwell?(e.g.,team strengths,teambalance, etc.)
- What problems did you have interacting as a team? (e.g., team weaknesses, outside challenges,technology,etc.)
- What specific actions would you recommend to future teams to help them interact, function, andcollaboratesuccessfully?
- Presentation,ScholarlyWriting, andAPAformat-20points/8%
- 25-30PowerPointslideswithspeakernotes(excludingtitle& referenceslides)
- SubmittedtoDropbox/TurnitinbyTeamleaderonly
- SpeakerNotesoutlineand“script”the presentationforonline students.
- Online students’ speaker notes should include the name of the student who researched and presented theslide information.
- Campusstudentsfollow theguidelinesofyourcourseinstructor.
- Copyrightandplagiarism guidelines apply.
- ScholarlywritingandcurrentAPAguidelinesshouldbe followedasapplicable toPowerPointslides.
- CitesourcesinAPAformatinthe applicableslides andincludetheAPAformattedreference inyour
reference listslide(s)‐minimum6 references.
- Spelling, grammar, and punctuation apply even in bullet points and speaker slides (e.g., quotation marks,italics,verb tense,etc.).
Forwritingassistance,visittheWriting Center.
Please note that your instructor may provide you with additional assessments in any form to determine that you fullyunderstandtheconcepts learned inthereviewmodule.
GradingRubricCriteriaaremetwhenthestudent’s applicationofknowledgedemonstrates achievementoftheoutcomes forthisassignment.
Assignment Section andRequiredCriteria
(Pointspossible/%oftotalpointsavailable) |
Highest Level ofPerformance | High Level ofPerformance | Satisfactory LevelofPerformance | UnsatisfactoryLevel ofPerformance | Section NotPresentinPaper |
(20points/8%) |
20points | 18points | 16points | 7points | 0points |
• Titleslideidentifiestheassignedtechnology. | Allcriteria are | Allcriteriaare | 3criteriaare fullymet | 1-2criteria fully met | Criterianotpresent |
• Titleslideintroducesteammembers. | described | describedconcisely | |||
• Introductiondescribesthetechnology. | comprehensively. | butnot | |||
• Introductionstatesapurposefor useofthe | comprehensively(or) | ||||
technologyin healthcare. | oneelementisnot | ||||
• Introductionestablishestheprofessionaltonefor | addressed. | ||||
thepresentation. | |||||
History& CurrentUse
(30points/14%) |
30points | 26points | 23points | 10points | 0points |
• Describesignificantfindingsthatpromptedthe | Allcriteria are | Allcriteria are | 2criteriafully met | 1criteria fully met | Criterianotpresent |
developmentofthetechnology. | described | describedconcisely | |||
• Discussthehistoryandcurrentuseofthe | comprehensivelywith | butnot | |||
technologyin healthcare. | considerationof | comprehensively. | |||
• Describethreegoalsofthistechnology’s | alternate | Someelementsof | |||
implementation. | perspectives or | alternate | |||
presentationof | perspectivesor | ||||
supportingdata. | presentationof | ||||
supportingdataare | |||||
present. | |||||
(40points/16%) |
40points | 35points | 30points | 14points | 0points |
Discussimpactonprofessionalnursingpracticerelated | Allcriteria are | Allcriteria are | 6criteriafully met | 3criteria fully met | Criterianotpresent |
to: | described | describedconcisely | |||
• Patientsafety | comprehensivelywith | butnot | |||
• Qualityofcaremeasures/monitoring | considerationof | comprehensively. | |||
• Riskmanagement | alternate | Someelementsof |
• Privacy,confidentiality,andsecurityofpatientdata | perspectivesor | alternate | |||
• Effectonpopulationwithinthe region | presentationof | perspectivesor | |||
• Ethicalpractice | supportingdata. | presentationof | |||
• Compliancewithlegalandregulatorymandates | supportingdataare | ||||
• Organizationalinfrastructureandoperations | present. | ||||
• Supportdiscussionswithexamples&datafrom | |||||
currentevidence-basedresources | |||||
(40points/16%) |
40points | 35points | 30points | 14points | 0points |
Threeadvantagesanddisadvantagesarepresentedfor: | Allcriteria are | Allcriteria are | 2criteriafully met | 1criteriafully met | Criterianotpresent |
• Patient’sperspective(e.g.,patientoutcomes,safety, | described | describedconcisely | |||
patient/familysatisfaction) | comprehensivelywith | butnot | |||
• Nurse’sperspective(improves/hindersjob | considerationof | comprehensively. | |||
efficiency/safety) | alternate | Someelementsof | |||
• Healthcareorganization’sperspective(regulatory | perspectivesor | alternate | |||
compliance,financial,etc.) | presentationof | perspectivesor | |||
supportingdata. | presentationof | ||||
supportingdataare | |||||
present. | |||||
(30points/14%) |
30points |
26points |
23points |
10points |
0points |
• Controversy,issues,challenges,andregulatory | Allcriteria are | Allcriteria are | 2criteriafully met | 1criteriafully met | Criterianotpresent |
implicationsareaddressed. | described | describedconcisely | |||
• Thepresentationanswersthequestion,“howmight | comprehensivelywith | butnot | |||
issuessurroundingthechosentechnologybe | considerationof | comprehensively. | |||
addressed/solved?” | alternate | Someelementsof | |||
• Statisticallysignificantdataorevidenceisprovided | perspectivesor | alternate | |||
tosupportthefindings. | presentationof | perspectivesor | |||
supportingdata. | presentationof | ||||
supportingdataare | |||||
present. | |||||
(20points/8%) |
20points | 18points | 15points | 7points | 0points |
• Thepresentationprovidesasummary.
• Thesummaryreinforcesallkeypoints. • The summary discusses any discoveries made orsurprises the team encountered during research andpreparation for thepresentation. • Includeslessonslearned. |
All criteria aredescribedcomprehensively withconsideration ofalternateperspectives orpresentation ofsupportingdata. | All criteria aredescribed conciselybut notcomprehensively.Some elements ofalternateperspectives orpresentation ofsupporting data arepresent. | 3criteriafully met | 2criteriafully met | Criterianotpresent |
(40points/16%) |
40points | 35points | 30points | 14points | 0points |
A team project evaluation is provided and includes thefollowing criteria. Each of the following questions andresponses must be present on the slides following thesummaryslide,butbeforethereferenceslide(s):
• Howtheteamfunctionedwell(e.g.,teamstrengths,teambalance, etc.). • Problemstheteam encounteredininteractingasateam (e.g., team weaknesses, outside challenges,technology,etc.). • Specificactionsyouwouldrecommendtofutureteams to help them interact, function, andcollaboratesuccessfully. |
All criteria aredescribedcomprehensively withconsideration ofalternateperspectives orpresentation ofsupportingdata. | All criteria aredescribed conciselybut notcomprehensively.Some elements ofalternateperspectives orpresentation ofsupporting data arepresent. | 3criteriafully met | 2criteriafully met | Criterianotpresent |
(20points/8%) |
20points | 18points | 16points | 7points | 0points |
Thepresentationformat,scholarlywriting,andAPAformat mustmeet thefollowingcriteria:
• 25-30 PowerPoint slides with speaker notes(excludingtitle&referenceslides) • SubmittedtoDropbox/TurnitinbyTeamleaderonly • SpeakerNotes outlineand“script”thepresentation foronline students. |
Allcriteriaaremet. | Student provides 6scholarly referencesandatleast7criteriafully met. | Student provides 6 orfewer scholarlyreferences and 6 ormore criteria fullymet. | 5criteriafullymet | 4orfewercriteriamet |
• Online students’ speaker notes include the name ofthestudentwhoresearchedandpresentedtheslideinformation.
• Copyrightandplagiarismguidelinescorrectlyapplied • ScholarlywritingandcurrentAPAguidelines arefollowedasapplicabletoPowerPointslides. • Sources cited in APA format in the applicable slidesand include the APA formatted reference in thereference list slide(s) ‐ minimum 6 references tomeetcriteria. • Spelling,grammar,andpunctuation arecorrect,even in bullet points and speaker slides (e.g.,quotationmarks,italics, verbtense,etc.). • Additional criteria provided by course instructor ismet. |
TotalPointsPossible=240 points |