Project Management

IT Project Management
IST 614
Fall 2022
MD 3
Consider your project scenario. In this assignment, you need to create a Quality
management plan, Staffing management plan and risk Management plan. For this
assignment, do the following tasks:
1. Create a quality management checklist for your approved project. At least, you
should have 7 or more quality metrics with description.
2. Using the approved project create a responsibility assignment matrix (RAM). Your
RAM should closely match what you have in your WBS. Refer to the examples in your
textbook (Figure 9-5, pp. 362).
3. Create a risk management plan that consists of Risk Register and Probability/Impact
Matrix. Your register should include at least 10 risks you have identified related to
your project.
Submit them with a cover page that includes project name, team name, assignment
number, pledge that the work submitted was solely done by your team members, team
members’ names, and signatures from those who participated and contributed to the
assignment. The assignment is due at the beginning of the class on the date
specified in the schedule.
Grading guidelines:
• On time completion
• Professionalism (overall neatness, correct language and spelling, following directions
of cover page, etc.)