Statistics 104

QMT181/STA104/Individual Assignment
(Topic 1 and Topic 2)
A researcher at a public university has conducted a survey on leadership skills possessed by
students. The aim of this study is to see how good their leadership skills (based on leadership
score). A sample of 35 students was randomly selected from various faculties. The following
table shows the data collected from the survey (Faculty, 1=Accounting; 2= Art & Design; 3=
Business; 4= Computer Science, 5= Mass Communication).
1 L 5 23 97.5
2 P 5 26 80.5
3 P 5 25 95.5
4 L 3 25 96
5 L 3 24 98.5
6 L 3 22 85.5
7 P 3 34 90.5
8 P 3 19 75.5
9 P 3 18 92.5
10 L 3 27 100
11 P 2 28 80
12 P 2 22 96
13 P 5 25 82.5
14 P 5 23 84
15 P 5 24 90
16 P 2 24 78.5
17 L 2 25 86.5
18 P 5 27 99.5
19 P 1 25 94.5
20 L 1 22 80
21 L 1 23 95
22 L 4 19 94.5
23 L 4 19 83.5
24 P 4 29 100
25 L 1 29 89
26 P 1 28 99
27 L 1 30 86
28 L 1 22 99.5
29 P 4 27 92.5
30 L 5 25 65
31 P 2 26 65.5
32 P 2 26 72
33 L 3 22 71.5
34 P 3 24 74.5
QMT181/STA104/Individual Assignment
35 P 2 19 75
1) State the population and sampling frame for the above survey. (2m)
2) State all variables involved in this study and their measurements scale. (4m)
3) Suggest an appropriate sampling technique to be used. Justify your answer. (2m)
4) What is the best data collection method for this survey? (1m)
5) Construct a contingency table based on Gender and Faculty. Then, draw a multiple bar
chart for the data. Give an appropriate comment. (6m)
6) Construct stem and leaf for age of students and comment on the shape of distribution. (5m)
7) Construct a grouped frequency table based on Score, starting with 65-70. (3m)
a) Draw a histogram. (3m)
b) From the histogram,
i. determine the shape of data distribution. (1m)
ii. estimate the modal value. Explain the result obtained. (2m)
c) Calculate the i) mean, ii) median and iii) standard deviation. (7m)
d) Calculate the skewness by using an appropriate formula and comment on the result
obtained. (3m)
8) Compute mean and standard deviation for leadership score of students for the Male group
and Female group. (8m)
a) Determine which group is more consistent in leadership score. (3m)
(50 marks)