Power Point Presentation

Ethics and Legal Ramifications

We know that many ethical dilemmas may also carry legal ramifications, especially those environments that serve the public such as education. Identify a possible ethical dilemma that you might face in your educational field of study. Create a presentation that outlines and discusses the ethical dilemma and the possible legal ramifications.  Your presentation should include.


  1. A title slide.
  2. A description of the ethical dilemma
  3. At least 2 solutions to the dilemma
  4. The possible legal ramifications of each solution
  5. What choice would you make?
  6. Your justification for your choice
  7. A reference slides.
  8. 6-8 slides not including the title or reference slide.

Reference: Byars, S. & Stanberry, K (2018) Business Ethics. OpenStax. ISBN-10: 1-947172- 57-3 ISBN-13: 978-1-947172-57-9 (This applies to #’s 1-3)

  1. Why Ethics Matter:  Chapter 1 from Business Ethics. In section 1.2 substitute the words student success for profitability. I downloaded the pdf to make it easier to highlight and navigate.
  2. More Telecommuting or Less?: This is one section from Chapter 10 of Business Ethics so the same reference applies.
  3. What employees owe employers: This is Chapter 7 from Business Ethics.
  4. Ethics Vs Values is a weblink so cite accordingly.
  5. The Law and Decision Making is a blog posted by Dr. Steven Mintz, aka Ethics Sage, on December 8, 2015.

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