Applied Sciences Business Management Homework


For the Module 4 SLP assignment, think about a significant organizational change that occurred in your workplace. Think carefully about the steps taken by management during the change process, and the organizational change processes and concepts that you read about in the background materials. Then write at least a 2 full-page page paper and include 2 scholarly sources from the required and optional reading list addressing the following:


Describe the change that occurred in your workplace, and list the major steps or stages involved in this change.

What stages were successful during this process, and which ones were problematic or handled poorly?

Do a side-by-side comparison between the steps you listed in your answer to Question 1 and the steps used in Lewin’s three steps, Kotter’s eight steps, or the five-step approach of action research. What were the key similarities and differences between these models and the ones used in your organization?

Based on your answers to Questions 2 and 3, do you think the change process would have gone better if management used Lewin’s three steps, Kotter’s eight steps, or the five-step approach of action research?

Required Reading

Hartzell, S. (2014, April 27). Lewin, stage model of change unfreezing changing refreezing animatedpart5 [Video]. YouTube.

Hartzell, S. (2014, December 15). Explaining Kotter’s 8 step change model [Video]. YouTube.

Center for Education Innovation. (n.d.). Stages of an action research project. Retrieved from

Optional Reading

Anson, J. H. (2011). Leaders are the critical element in the network: Applying the Kotter Change model in shaping future information systems. Army Communicator, 36(4), 20-27. Retrieved from

Haneberg, L. (2005). Chapter 3: The action research approach to change. In Organization Development Basics. [Books24x7 version].