Digestive System

Instructions for Final Paper
Systems of the human body interact with each other moment by
moments and are interdependent on each other. For this paper you will
describe different organs systems and their functions.
You eat a hamburger (on a bun) and drink a large amount of water.
Describe what happens to them during the digestion process,
reabsorption, and the elimination of waste and excess fluid in the
urinary system.
Required Elements
The paper must have the following elements as you describe how the
hamburger moves through the digestive tract and is digested and its
contents absorbed and processed:
1) Cite your resources and have a logical flow: The paper should
have an introduction, logical flow, and grammatically correct.
Work should be properly cited.
2) Introduction: introduce the topic and summarize what you paper
will cover. Explain the role each system plays in digestion
reabsorption of water and essential materials and elimination of
waste or excess water.
3) Digestive anatomy and physiology: Describe the mechanism of
food and water entry and processing in the digestive system both
primary and secondary organs.
4) Urinary system: Describe the mechanism of filtration and
elimination of wastes in the urinary system as it relates to the
meal (urea, water, salt, etc.)
5) Describe essential interaction of other systems as needed: Any
circulatory or respiratory physiology necessary to understand the
process should be included.
This is the rubric that will be used to score your paper. Examine it closely to make
sure you are including all required aspects of the paper.
Rubric – Final Anatomy Paper
____ Thorough introduction pertaining to topic covered and the systems involved, College level
writing in paper (5pts)
____ General description of the interaction of the digestive and urinary systems (10
____ Digestive physiology and relevant anatomy: (50pts)
1. How a bolus of food is moved through the alimentary canal
2. Enzymes used to breakdown basic elements of food (protein, carbohydrates and
lipid) and what organs/tissues produce them
3. Enzymatic breakdown, what organs, and what location within the digestive tract
4. Description of what organs conduct different phases of digestion and how
5. Mechanical movement and breakdown, what location, and from mouth to anus.
6. How and where materials are reabsorbed, such as the large intestine
____ Urinary physiology and relevant anatomy: (35 pts)
1. How wastes from digestion (urea, and other wastes) are filtered – thorough & correct
2. Reabsorption process of essential materials such as water, glucose, etc. Include
physiology of nephron and anatomy of the kidney
3. Elimination of urine to the ureters
All information included in the paper must be thorough and correct. Sources of
information other than your textbook are encouraged but not mandatory. You must
accurately reference your sources.