Nursing Assignment

Name ______________________

Exam Essay questions:  Write a detailed paragraph for each of the following questions to receive full credit. Submit your completed Essay Responses in the assignment folder.(4 points each)

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  • Investigate and explain mechanical digestion and chemical digestion. As part of your answer, provide specific examples of each. Where in the gastrointestinal tract does starch, protein and lipid digestion take place and indicate the enzymes responsible for each.
  • Investigate and explain gametogenesis for males and females. How do males and females differ in the process? Where does it occur and identify the regulating hormones for both males and females.
  • Investigate and explain the primary hormones associated with the ovarian and uterine cycles. As part of your answer be sure to include the locations of hormone production and the effects of each hormone on the egg and sperm.
  • Investigate and explain true labor, premature labor, and false labor. Explain the feedback mechanism of true labor.