Literature Review

Chapter 8
Quantitative Methods


• Designing quantitative methods for a research
• Survey and experimental designs
• Careful measurement, parsimonious variables, theory guided
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Defining Surveys and Experiments
• Survey design
– Quantitative description of trends, attitudes, or
opinions of a population
– Testing association
– Studying a sample of that population
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Defining Surveys and Experiments
• Experimental design
– Systematic manipulation of one or more variables
to evaluate an outcome
– Holds other variables constant to isolate effects
– Generalize to a broader population
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Components of a Survey Method
• The survey design
• The population and sample
• Instrumentation
• Variables in the study
• Data analysis and interpretation
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Components of a Survey Method
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Components of a Survey Method
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Components of a Survey Method
The survey design:
• Provide a purpose for using survey research
• Indicate why the survey method is preferred
• Indicate the type of survey design
– Cross-sectional (data collected at one point in time)
– Longitudinal (data collected over time)
• Specify the form of data collection – telephone, mail,
Internet personal/group interviews) and rationale
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Components of a Survey Method
The population and sample:
• Identify the population including size and sampling
• Specify the sampling design
– Single-stage
– Multi-stage (clustering)
• Type of sampling
– Probability
– Nonprobability
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Components of a Survey Method
The population and sample:
• Indicate if the study involves stratification – ensuring
specific population characteristics (e.g. gender) are
• Indicate number in the sample and procedure to
• Use a power analysis if you plan to detect significant
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Components of a Survey Method
The population and sample:
• Power analysis involves
– Estimating the size of correlation
– An alpha value (type I error rate)
– A beta value (type II error rate)
– Conducting the power analysis (e.g., G*Power)
• Conduct power analysis during planning
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Components of a Survey Method
• Name the survey instrument used to collect data
• Indicate how instrument was developed
• Describe the established validity scores from past use
– Content validity
– Predictive or concurrent validity
– Construct validity
• Describe reliability of scores from past use
– Internal consistency
– Test-retest
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Components of a Survey Method
• When modifying or combining instruments, the original
validity and reliability may not hold
• Include sample items from the instrument
• Indicate major content sections in the instrument
– Cover letter
– Items – demographics, attitude items, behavior
items, factual items
– Closing instructions
– Type of scale for responses
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Components of a Survey Method
• Discuss pilot testing or field-testing
– Rationale for plans
– Content validity and reliability
– Improve question
• Steps for administering for a mailed survey
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Components of a Survey Method
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Components of a Survey Method
Data analysis:
• Computer programs used for analysis
• Data analysis steps
– Step 1. Number who did and did not respond
– Step 2. Method to determine response bias
– Step 3. Plan to provide descriptive analyses
– Step 4. Calculate total scale scores
– Step 5. Statistics and program for inferential
statistical analyses
– Step 6. Present results in figures or tables and
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Components of a Survey Method
Interpreting results and writing a discussion section:
• Report how the results answered the research question
or hypothesis
• Practical evidence in terms of effect size and confidence
• Discuss implications
– Consistent with, refute, extent previous studies
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Components of a Survey Method
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Components of an Experimental
Study Method Plan
• Experimental method plan
– Participants
– Variables
– Instrumentation and materials
– Experimental procedures
– Threats to validity
– Data analysis
– Interpreting results and writing a discussion
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Components of an Experimental
Study Method Plan
• Describe procedures for recruiting participants
• Describe the selection of participants as either
– Random
– Nonrandom (convenience)
• True experiment – individuals randomly assigned to
• Quasi-experiment – partial or no control over random
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Components of an Experimental
Study Method Plan
• May measure second predictor variables
• Conduct and report power analysis
• End with formal experimental design statement
– “The experiment consisted of a one-way two groups design comparing burnout symptoms
between full-time and part-time nurses”
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Components of an Experimental
Study Method Plan
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Components of an Experimental
Study Method Plan
• Specify the variables and describe in detail
– Identify the independent variables
– Include a manipulation check measure
– Identify dependent variable
– Identify other variables measured
• Participant demographics
• Measure variables that contribute noise
• Potential confounding variables
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Components of an Experimental
Study Method Plan
Instrumentation and materials:
• Describe the instrument(s) participants complete in the
– Development, items, and scales
– Reliability and validity reports of past uses
• Thoroughly discuss materials used for the treatment
• Cover story to explain procedures if deception is used
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Components of an Experimental
Study Method Plan
Experimental procedures:
• Identify the type of experiment
– Pre-experimental, true experiment, quasi-experiment,
single subject design
• Identify the type of comparisons – within-group or
– Provide a visual model to illustrate the research
design used
• X = treatment
• O = observation
• R = random assignment
See Examples 8.2–8.5
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Components of an Experimental
Study Method Plan
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Components of an Experimental
Study Method Plan
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Components of an Experimental
Study Method Plan
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Components of an Experimental
Study Method Plan
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Components of an Experimental
Study Method Plan
Threats to validity:
• Internal validity – procedures, treatments, or
experiences of the participants that threaten inferences
in experiments
• External validity – drawing incorrect inferences from
sample data to other persons, settings, situations
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Components of an Experimental
Study Method Plan
Threats to validity:
• Statistical conclusion validity – inadequate statistical
power or violation of statistical assumptions
• Construct validity – inadequate definitions and
measures of variables
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Components of an Experimental
Study Method Plan
• Threats to internal validity
– History – Compensatory/resentful
– Maturation demoralization
– Regression – Compensatory rivalry
– Selection – Testing
– Mortality – Instrumentation
– Diffusion of treatment
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Components of an Experimental
Study Method Plan
• Threats to external validity
– Interaction of selection and treatment
– Interaction of setting and treatment
– Interaction of history and treatment
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Components of an Experimental
Study Method Plan
The procedure:
• Administer measures of the dependent variable or a
variable closely correlated
• Assign participants to matched pairs
• Randomly assign one member of each pair to the
control and experimental group
• Expose experimental group to the treatment
• Administer measures of dependent variables
• Compare performance of the experimental and control
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Components of an Experimental
Study Method Plan
Data analysis:
• Report descriptive statistics (e.g., means, standard
deviations, ranges)
• Indicate inferential statistical tests (e.g., t test, ANOVA,
• Report confidence intervals and effect sizes in addition
to statistical tests
• Use line graphs for single subject designs
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Components of an Experimental
Study Method Plan
Interpreting results and writing a discussion section:
• Interpret findings in light of hypotheses and research
• Whether supported or refuted
• Why results significant or not, literature
• Indicate implications
• Suggest future research
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• The methodological approach to a survey or
• Surveys – purpose, population and sample,
instruments, relationship, research questions, items,
• Experiments – identify participants, variables,
instruments, type of experiment, validly, analysis
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