3-4 paragraphs reflecting on the class discussions.
- What new concepts did you learn?
- What challenged you?
- What tugged at your heart?
- Lessons learned/practices to personally apply
I was absent on that day and this is what my instructor told me:
Here’s what we covered in class on Friday:
Read our eulogies out loud in class
Participated in a 1 hour holy yoga session Did an exercise on “what really
matters” – priorities in our lives (I will give you this exercise to
complete during our next class time) I gave everyone a 1 gallon zip lock bag
to fill with a bottle of water, snack bar, etc. to give to a homeless person
this week.
To make up for Friday’s class:
Do a 1 hour yoga class – you can probably find one on Youtube – take the
time to breathe, stretch and pause.
Take a zip lock bag and fill it with a few items to give to a homeless
— You can use these two exercises to write about for your journal