CS 513 Assignment 1 – IoT Device Management and Operating Systems (OS)
Instructor: Anjum Razzaque, PhD
Please see a case study titled “Landslide Monitoring Using Wireless Sensor Networks- A Case Study” by
Kanchan S Bhosale, Rajesh Kulkarni, V. P. Patil, and Shital Chawre from UGC Care Journal, Vol. 40,
Issue 60, published in 2020.
In addition to the assignment requirements PDF, students should also locate the research article
mentioned above. The file name for this article is “asgnmt 2 case study paper.” This case study has been
provided for students to read and engage in individual work focusing on IoT device management.
The aims of the assignment are as follows:
1. Analyze the challenges related to devise discovery, provisioning, monitoring, and firmware
updates in IoT.
2. Read and study at least three additional research articles, which can also be provided during your
week-1 content on Western Online, to understand how OS plays a role in IoT device
3. Based on your understanding, propose a solution that utilizes an operating system of your choice
to address the challenges mentioned above.
In summary, the assignment requires you to examine the difficulties associated with device management
in IoT, explore relevant research articles, and develop a solution by leveraging an operating system that
can effectively tackle these challenges.
The expected outcome of the assignment is as follows:
Your one-page report should include the following:
1. A written report of approximately 500 words (with a tolerance of ±100 words) that covers the
following aspects:
a. Explanation of the challenges associated with IoT device management, proposed
solutions to address those challenges, and the role of the chosen operating system in
effectively managing IoT devices.
b. Exploration of the possibility of accomplishing the project using Arduino instead of
Thinger.io. This will require additional reading on Arduino, alongside further research on
Thinger.io from the internet. To facilitate readings on Arduino, two additional research
articles are provided. The file names for these articles are “CS 513 asgnmt 2 Arduino proj
article 1” and “CS 513 asgnmt 2 Arduino proj article 2.”
2. In-text citations should be included to support and verify all the facts presented in your report.
These citations should follow the APA style format. Following the APA citation style, a reference
list should also be provided at the end of your report. It’s important to note that these references
do not count towards the 500-word limit for this assignment.
Evaluation Criteria (Rubric):
• Understanding of IoT device management challenges.
• Analysis of relevant research articles on IoT device management and OS.
• Proposal of a solution utilizing an operating system to address challenges.
• Consideration of using Arduino as an alternative to Thinger.io.
• Inclusion of in-text citations and proper APA-style references.
• Clarity and coherence of the written report.
• Concise and accurate explanation of challenges and proposed solutions.
• Demonstration of knowledge about the role of the chosen operating system.
• Exploration of Arduino’s suitability for the project.
• Adherence to word count and formatting requirements.