English Instructions Assignment Peer Review



Assessment Completed by:


Peer Review of:




  1. Open the Instructions Assignment to be familiar with the assignment and criteria while responding to these questions.
  2. Select a draft to review that has not already been reviewed or only has one review.
  3. Enter your feedback in the “Instructions Assignment Peer Review Form” and return it to your peer.
  4. You must provide at least 2-3 sentences for each point in order to be eligible to receive full credit. Also, if a drafter does not address one of the points listed, you will need to state that the point is not addressed and make a recommendation of how the writer might work this important aspect of the assignment into their draft.
  5. You may not simply copy the language from the peer review form in your responses, as this is not in the spirit of the assignment. Your peer review should go beyond confirmation of meeting the assignment to offer constructive feedback.



Peer Review Questions


  1. The instructions should be for a specific task. What is the subject of the instructions?


  1. The instructions include all of the sections required. List any missing sections.


  1. The introduction identifies the document’s audience in terms of its knowledge and need for the instructions .List the audience for the document what prior knowledge they must have to complete the task.


  1. The introduction tells what the instructions will allow readers to do and provides an overview of the steps. Copy/paste the overview of the steps.


  1. The introduction gives the audience a sense of how long the task will take, where it should be performed, and provides cautions or warnings when needed. Note how long the task will take and any warning provided. If the document does not document contain any warnings or cautions, identify one warning to be included in the final draft.



  1. The instructions have 10 or more steps .The steps are numbered throughout.  The steps use imperative mood. Each step is a specific action. How many steps are listed in this set of instructions?


  1. The document has a clear hierarchy of headings. Lists the headings.


  1. There is an appropriate amount of white space. It makes effective use of the four basic design principles (contrast, alignment, proximity, repetition). Design features, such as fonts, font sizes, and forms of emphasis are applied consistently. List any inconsistencies in design.


  1. The overall design is clear and consistent. Where could there be improvement?


  1. There are at least two illustrations. The illustrations are effective, each serving a functional purpose (meaning, it helps the reader better comprehend the task at hand). It is not merely used for decorative purpose. The illustrations are appropriately documented, displayed, and labeled. List the illustrations provided and the source of the illustration.


  1. The instructions are written as active voice commands. Headings and numbered/bulleted items are in parallel form. The second person (you) is used. List any inconsistencies in parallelism.


  1. Spelling, grammar, and punctuation are correct. If there are errors, point those out to your peer.


  1. Rate how well the paper aligns with the assignment guidelines (minimal = does not meet assignment guidelines; medium = meets about 75% of the assignment guidelines; very high = meets 95% or above of the assignment guidelines). Minimal   Low   Medium   High   Very high


  1. Suggestions for meeting the assignment guidelines


  1. Write a final comment to your peer about two of the overall strengths and one overall weakness of the of first draft