MGT-20137 Align Organizational










Organizational Climate Assessment Summary
Employee satisfaction surveys were used to assess the employee perception of the current state of the climate. The surveys were followed by a series of focus
groups to gain insight from the employees and reinforce the validity of the survey data that was collected. The following summarizes the comprehensive climate
assessments conducted by human resources.
The table below shows the percent of employees that stated they agreed with each statement before and during the restructuring of Organization Y.
Climate Assessment Summary
Statement Prior to Restructuring During Restructuring
I would recommend Organization Y to friends and family members. 84% 82%
I receive timely feedback about my performance from my manager. 71% 64%
I am continuously learning new things. 66% 72%
People in my department follow through with their commitments. 58% 47%
I am aware of the organization’s mission, and it aligns with my work responsibilities. 94% 91%
Leadership consistently does what is best for the organization. 68% 72%
Leadership is transparent to the employees about organizational changes. 82% 89%
I have enough time to complete my tasks at work. 84% 93%
I am generally satisfied with my job responsibilities and expectations. 79% 74%
I am excited by the organization’s growth in the past 12 months. 71% 82%
I am encouraged to challenge the status quo. 65% 68%
Members of the organization are honest and trustworthy. 58% 55%
My manager encourages interdisciplinary collaboration. 72% 76%