A Sociological Exploration Of Self

Paper: A Sociological Exploration of Self

Paper: A Sociological Exploration of Self

Reflect on your life to this point through the lens of your sociological imagination.

In your writing, please be sure to explain thoroughly how culture and socialization have shaped your sense of self and your life. I expect you to use sociological concepts discussed in class and from assigned readings, while also using parts of your life to illustrate these concepts. More specifically, you must discuss the following prompts about your unique culture and socialization:


Culture prompts:

  • Discuss how specific components (or “building blocks”) of culture have shaped who you are today (like symbols, language, values, norms, rituals, etc.).
  • Describe and explain examples of material and nonmaterial culture that are meaningful to you.


Socialization prompts:

  • Discuss at least one agent of socialization (like family, peers, school, mass media, and religion) and its impact on your construction of self.
  • Apply at least one theory of socialization (like Cooley, Mead, or Goffman) to a particular part of your life.


I invite you to reflect on the following questions as you write: What social factors have aided in making you the person that you are today? How has culture shaped you? What aspects of culture have been important, or even unimportant, in creating your sense of self? How has your process of socialization been unique? What agents of socialization have had the most influence on you? Why? How has it all served to bring you where you are today?

Papers should answer all of the prompts above using sociological terms, concepts, and theories. Furthermore, papers should be 2-3 pages in length, double-spaced, using Times New Roman size 12, and follow APA style formatting guidelines. A portion of your grade will account for proper grammar, spelling, and syntax. These should be well-written and have a general flow to them. Please consult the grading rubric for more information.

The student should submit the paper by clicking on the assignment link below.  Note:  Be sure to proofread your paper,  put your name at the top, title it “A Sociological Exploration of Self”  then save it before you submit it as a Word document.

How do I make sure my paper submitted? To make sure your paper submitted; you should access “my grades” and you will see ! for that assignment; that means that it needs grading and that the submission was made. If you do not see anything under that assignment, you should contact me immediately and resubmit your paper to avoid any late penalties. It is your responsibility to make sure your paper submitted properly and communication with me is essential in that process.








































Grading Rubric for Essay: A Sociological Exploration of Self

Grading Rubric for Essay: A Sociological Exploration of Self

Criteria Below Average

0-1 point


2-3 points

Very Good

4 points


5 points

Culture-key concepts There is no evidence of understanding of the components (“building blocks”) of culture. Neither prompt is answered or there are major errors or omissions of key terms/concepts. Demonstrates an average understanding of the components (“building blocks”) of culture. Both prompts are lacking or one is unanswered. Demonstrates a very good understanding of the components (“building blocks”) of culture, though one of the prompts is slightly lacking in key terms/concepts. Demonstrates an excellent understanding of the components (“building blocks”) of culture. Both prompts are clearly answered using several key terms/concepts.
Culture – application There is no evidence of application of the components (“building blocks”) of culture. Neither prompt is discussed or there are major errors in the application of key terms/concepts. Applies components (“building blocks”) of culture to his/her life and describes impact on sense of self. Though both prompts are unclear or contain some errors. Clearly applies components (“building blocks”) of culture to his/her life and describes impact on sense of self. Though one of the prompts is not applied entirely clearly or correctly Very clearly applies components (“building blocks”) of culture to his/her life and describes impact on sense of self. Key concepts are clearly and correctly applied for both prompts.
Socialization – key concepts There is no evidence of understanding of theories of socialization. Neither prompt is answered or there are major errors or omissions of key terms/concepts. Demonstrates an average understanding of theories of socialization. Both prompts are lacking or one is unanswered. Demonstrates a very good understanding of theories of socialization, though one of the prompts is lacking some key terms/concepts. Demonstrates an excellent understanding of theories of socialization. Both prompts are clearly answered using several key terms/concepts.
Socialization – application Very clearly applies theories of socialization to his/her life and describes impact on sense of self. Key concepts are clearly and correctly applied for both prompts. Clearly applies theories of socialization to his/her life and describes impact on sense of self, though one of the prompts is not applied entirely clearly or correctly. Applies theories of socialization to his/her life and describes impact on sense of self, though both prompts are unclear or contain errors.


There is no evidence of application of theories of socialization. Neither prompt is discussed or there are major errors in the application of key terms.
Writing- grammar, spelling, etc. Writing is poor and/or difficult to follow. Guidelines have not been followed and the paper is short on the required length and/or not in APA style. There are many errors in grammar, spelling, syntax, etc. throughout. Writing is generally good and easy to follow, though the paper does not follow all guidelines, may be short in length, use incorrect style, and/or include errors in grammar, spelling, syntax, etc. throughout. Writing is very good and easy to follow. Guidelines are followed in terms of length and APA style, and there are only a few errors in grammar, spelling, syntax, etc. Writing is excellent and easy to follow. Guidelines are followed in terms of length and APA style, and there are no errors in grammar, spelling, syntax, etc.