Act of expression 1


Part 1: Describe yourself by describing three objects that you use every day. These objects do not have to be special or personal; they can be mundane or ordinary. Try using the statement “I am…” and other first-person clauses to describe your objects. Write at least 100 words for each object. Cody has written an example of part 1 below. You don’t have to be this poetic, however, lean in to whatever feelings you have about this object and feel free to be as creative as you can. 

I am a black sea of distraction; a casket for good ideas. My stillness is only rivaled by my movement when I am awakened, but I never sleep. I am always listening, waiting to digest the delicious invitation–the signal to open portals to other worlds. I have made countless friends and enemies, mostly people I’ve never met. I have no desire to meet them, only to watch them dance for my entertainment, only to be so casually dismissed. I feel disgust, and shame, and envy, and joy, and excitement, and disappointment, and loneliness, and triumph, and fear, and I am imperfect. But I am perfected. [Television]

Part 2: Choose one object. Describe what this object means to you in 250 words or fewer. Think, in particular, how this object has influenced your identity. Does it passively shape your life, or is it something that you have an active connection to? Be prepared to talk about what this object means to you in our “Pieces of You” segment of class on Wed. 2/10.