
 Infant and Toddler Integrated Curriculum Activities

SPS 40.02, SPS 40.03, SPS 40.03, SPS 40.07, SPS 41.06, SPS 41.07 Key Assessment for NAEYC STANDARD 5 Description: Age appropriate learning experiences that promote physical, cognitive and social/emotional development are essential elements of quality care and education for infants and toddlers.


Plan 16 learning experiences that promote physical, cognitive, and social/emotional development for infant and toddlers, describe the goals, materials, and teaching strategies used and identify the Florida Early Learning Standards for each activity. (S5b) (S5a) • Provide (3) language development activities that are appropriate for young infants, mobile infants, and toddlers. Describe objectives, materials, and teaching strategies. • Provide one (1) dramatic play activity that is appropriate for a toddler, Describe objectives, materials, and teaching strategies. • Provide three (3) cognitive activities that are appropriate for young infants, mobile infants, and toddlers. Describe objectives, materials, and teaching strategies. • Provide (2) outdoor play activity that is appropriate for infant and toddlers. Describe objectives, materials, and teaching strategies. • Provide (3) creative activities that are appropriate for young infants, mobile infants, and toddlers. Describe objectives, materials, and teaching strategies. • Provide four (4) appropriate music and/or movement activities (including the words to any songs) that are age appropriate. Describe objectives, materials, and teaching strategies. [Key Assessment for NAEYC STANDARD 5] Value- 27 points