Annotated Bibliography (ENGL1013 English Composition)

Quintezha Diggs

Professor Carolyn Bauhaus

ENGL1013 English Composition

October 25, 2022

English 1013- Research Assignment Prompt- Life Challenges

Question: Are there hidden opportunities in life challenges and fears that people face?

Life challenges are inevitable and in getting into challenges are easier than living a life free of challenges. Ever since time in memorial, human beings have been working day and night to keep away from diverse and immense life challenges. This is because life challenges are always perceived from a negative perspective that they bring people down hurting people emotionally, physically, and psychologically. Challenges make people to develop untold fear that hinder them from realizing their full potential. As a result, many have been blocked from realizing their dreams something that makes them to live in regrets. However, challenges can bring good tidings if addressed from a positive perspective. Challenges make people stronger; they create innovative minds, they promote good behavior as they make people humble and above all they amplify achievements. Life challenges affect people,but they give people chances to making positive change only when they are approached positively.

Life challenges have caused deaths of many people in the world. According to Reiss, Franziska, et al. (12) challenges bring failure of many sorts resulting in hopelessness and despair. For instance, sickness, financial constraints, loss of loved ones, lack of employment, betrayal, inability to forgive, relationship breakups, family quarrels, and lost investment or savings are only a few of vast life challenges that people are exposed to. Challenges affect the inner person as they develop hard to contain fear that stagnate a person. As a matter of reality, life challenges make one to feel demotivated to work hard as they have a way of making one feel like a failureReiss, Franziska, et al. (20). It is this feeling that if nurtured results in feeling of hopelessness and desire that life is not important. Many people that fail to access psychological and emotional help at such times results in attempted failed or successful suicide.

Life challenges have made even those with some levels of achievement to lose it all. There are many instances that challenges make one to use available resources with intentions of turning the situation for the better only for things to get worse. For instance, in the case where one after getting into an accident or falling sick tends to use available finances to get well and work to get more finances only for the health condition to fail to improve as the person is pushed into poverty state(Sambas, et al. 33). In another instance is where a rich person gets duped, and resources stolen and in other instance is investing in a wrong business leading to massive loss and regrets. This means that life challenges can pull one from a good life status into a bad and undesirable life situation.

However, challenges are not entirely bad as they have molded a lot of people in the society. It is evident that for long, people have failed to take challenges positively and hence they prolong their suffering. Notably, the small percentage of people who saw opportunities from challenges life placed their way have not only overcome the challenge but also fear that challenges along and further making life better for themselves and others (Sambas, et al. 28). For instance, in the early days when there were no vehicles, people could walk for long distances and they could take days and months to get from one location to the other. Along the way they could suffer hunger, attacks by wild animals and others could die in the process. These challenges pushed some people into innovation and vehicles were designed as a result. The modern day comfortable and fast means of transport have their origin on past mobility challenges that people faced something that eradicated this specific challenge entirely(Sambas, et al. 30). Also, many people could die from illnesses and the challenge made some people to see an opportunity in inventing medicine and medical services something that led to the creation of the healthcare sector. This means all developments the world enjoys today is a result of past life problems.

According to Dewey, John (82) it is through challenges that people learn and become stronger in life. Whenever a person is faced with any kind of challenges, he/she has to put efforts to overcome the challenge. Different measures put in place may fail and this grants one a chance to learn on things that work and those that do not work. By the time the applied solution works, it becomes a practical learning process that surpasses any academic lesson. As a matter of reality, life challenges make people disciplined and remain cautious as they are aware of how it feels to be in problems and hence would apply precaution to remain safe (Sarkis, Joseph, et al. 104894).

For instance, a person who has been hungry for lack of food would not dare sit idle but would rather try seeking employment or engage in activities that would earn a living to keep away from hunger (Dewey, John 86). A person who has been through sickness would try to do things that would keep him/her away from sickness for instance observing hygiene, taking medication religiously, and avoiding behaviors warned by medical professionals, or engaging in risky sexual behaviors. The caution makes only makes people better and this means that even the most successful people in the world are products of past life challenges.

According to Remien, Robert H., et al. (1411) challenges make people humble as they realize that they do not have what it is necessary to overcome the challenges. As one learns important values, principles, and skills to overcome challenges, the process prepares one for future possibilities and daily efforts are put in place. The consistency is known for gradually attracting success and when it is attained, the same failure amplifies achievement. For example, in the society today, when once a poor person becomes a great and successful person, the level of impact and appreciation the person receives is different from a person in the same rank but was born with a silver spoon in his/her mouth. People who manage to strive against all odds and succeed in life become role models that many look up to and this is not the case for people who have never been exposed to challenges (Sarkis, Joseph, et al. 104894). This is the case because people in problems are always willing to learn from those that were in similar problems in the past as they send an encouraging message that no amount of challenges and fear that cannot be overcome.

In conclusion, life challenges and fear do not have a single perspective as they have been perceived for the longest time. There are a lot of positive opportunities that can be realized from these challenges that can make the world a better place. As a matter of reality, any milestone that has ever been achieved in life emanated from a certain problem. It is a fact that even all types of crimes the world has ever experienced emanated from life challenges and fear. But it is possible to ignore the negative perspective and focus on positive perspective as this is the only aspect that can benefit individuals, society, nations, and the world.










Works cited

Dewey, John. “Does reality possess practical character?.” Pragmatism. Routledge, 2020. 79-91.

Reiss, Franziska, et al. “Socioeconomic status, stressful life situations and mental health problems in children and adolescents: Results of the German BELLA cohort-study.” PloS one 14.3 (2019): e0213700.

Remien, Robert H., et al. “Mental health and HIV/AIDS: the need for an integrated response.” AIDS (London, England) 33.9 (2019): 1411.

Sambas, Abdul Azim Mohamed, MasitahShahrill, and MasriatolZuraifahSajali. “Supporting Design and Technology Lessons with the Use of Problem-Based Learning.” European Journal of Education 1.3 (2018): 25-36.

Sarkis, Joseph, et al. “A brave new world: Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic for transitioning to sustainable supply and production.” Resources, conservation, and recycling 159 (2020): 104894.