Answer questions


Alzheimer’s Dementia: etiology, symptoms, treatment

– Causes for Increased Intracranial Pressure 

– Explain why Brain Herniation occurs.

– Cerebral Edema: etiology

– What is Hydrocephalus and what cause it?

– Pathogenesis of Parkinson Disease and symptoms.

– Compare Upper Motor Neuron vs Lower Motor Neuron Syndromes.

– ALE Disease: what is this disease? Symptoms.

– Differential between Epidural, Subdural and Intracerebral Hematomas.

– Spinal Shock vs Neurogenic Shock.

– About Strokes…What is: TIA, Thrombosis, Embolic Stroke, Lacunar Stroke.

– Types of intracranial Aneurysms

– Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: why occurs? Symptoms.

– Headaches: Symptoms for Migraines, Cluster Headaches and Tension Headaches.

– SNC Infections: Meningitis: etiology, symptoms, 

– Multiple Sclerosis: pathogenesis, symptoms

– Guillain Barre Syndrome: etiology and why occurs? Symptoms

– Myasthenia Gravis: etiology and why occurs? Symptoms

– Schizophrenia: neurotransmitters affected. Positive and negative symptoms of this disease

– What are Mood Disorders?

– Why does Depression happen?

– Anxiety: clinical types