Presentation (PowerPoint) : presentation of research on an existing or emerging
technology and its related ethical issues.
● 1 Title slide including school, course, date of presentation, and names
● 1-2 Introductory slides providing an overview of the topic selected and rationale for
● 5-8 slides providing research results on emerging technologies and its related ethical
● 2 slides on summary/conclusion
● 1 – Reference slide
The Notes portion of MS PowerPoint should be utilized to elaborate, provide speaker notes, or
explain key points as needed. If used properly, the Notes portion should reduce the amount of
text on the slide (bullets preferred). Make sure that your slides are not text-heavy and use a font
size that may be readily seen by an audience. Remember to cite sources using proper APA
formatting and provide clickable URL links. Ensure that your sources are reputable and credible.
Do NOT submit research taken from Wikipedia sources, blogs, or sources with no date and/or