
English 101 H1 & I3
Essay Three – Argument
Your assignment is to choose one of the five articles listed below in order to write a Critical
Analysis essay. Your essay should be no less than 750 words (very close to three, full, double
spaced, typed pages), and should have a solid thesis statement that is well-supported by topic
sentences and concrete details and examples. Your essay should be typed in 12 point Times
New Roman font and adhere to MLA format guidelines (see: The Little Seagull Handbook – pgs.
190-200 for correct formatting). You may use personal experiences to serve as examples, but do
so by using third person and avoiding the use of first and second person pronouns.
An Argument essay must serve a purpose; therefore, your essay must have a thesis. Your thesis should be
one in which you either agree or disagree with the topic you choose to write about and your body
paragraphs should support your argument with ample concrete details and examples.
You will also need to incorporate at least three outside sources to support your argument. All three
sources must be used in your essay and each source you use must be cited on your Works Cited. You may
choose any academically credible sources you feel will best support the stance you choose to argue for or
Paragraphs should begin with topic sentences and end with transition sentences. Quotes are used to
support your ideas and opinions about your subject, not take the place of major components of an essay;
therefore, quotes should not begin or end your paragraphs, but be used as examples within your body
For this assignment, you will want to complete the 101 Library Instruction on
Moodle in order to familiarize yourself with the different resources that are
available for you to conduct research on your own. The Library Quiz is part
of your participation grade. If you take the quiz, you earn full participation
points for doing so. If you do not take the quiz, you do not earn participation
points, and you will probably find using the library’s databases to conduct
research on your own quite difficult.
1. Is it necessary that we have new labels for identifying gender and sexuality? Write an
argumentative essay that takes a stand on whether our labels for identifying gender and
sexuality are more harmful or helpful.
2. As we continue to explore sustainable ways that have less environmental impact, argue
what you believe to be the world’s most important food source (or crop) of the future.
3. Is artificial intelligence empowering humanity or putting humanity at risk?