
Please view the 1956 film The Forbidden Planet (Wilcox)and write an at least 1,000 word response using
APA formatting to the content of the film. Please address the technological issues as well as the morality
and ethics of the characters’ decisions as seen through the lens of one or more of the Saint Leo Core
Values. Please submit your  to the Core Values drop box by April 15th, 2022.
Please be sure to include a “Works Cited” section which includes at least an entry for the film.
Please also be sure to follow all APA formatting guidelines including a title page, running header, page
numbers, line spacing and indentation. An abstract is note required.
Since this will be submitted through “TurnItIn,” please be sure that your text is original and does not
match online sources.
Works Cited
Forbidden Planet. Dir. Fred M. Wilcox. 1956. Film.