Bulleted Position Paper

 Unlimited Attempts AllowedDetails

Graduate-level student learning will involve more of a focus on “diving in deeper” to the content. Written and oral presentation on the field of study experience, in combination with independent research and course content, will be essential elements of your graduate studies. To have an experience isn’t enough to establish learning – you need to intentionally and thoughtfully reflect upon the experience, considering what you learned from it in order to take something away from it!

After completing the assigned readings, and your independent research, prepare a one-two page bulleted position paper for your team lead to provide a broad overview of cloud computing. Taking all of the information that we have discussed in this module into account, you will prepare a position paper for your CIO which will include a comprehensive action plan

Check out this example of a position paper: Library Board – Position Paper (Links to an external site.)

In your action plan, you will need to perform independent research beyond the course text materials in order to discuss and explain the elements of your evaluation. You may find that a checklist or appendix could be helpful in presenting your action plan. Your plan should include the following pieces:


Start with the following questions in your recommendation: 

  1. Why should an organization consider using cloud computing? 
  2. Can certain organizations/industries benefit more than others from the use of cloud computing?
  3. What are some of the concerns linked to cloud computing and are they justified? Why?

Keep in Mind: Your independent research on the topic should go beyond what is contained in the texts. Strive toward demonstrating mastery of the subject to your presentation audience. 


Your final Bulleted Position Paper should include a cover page, abstract, introduction, conclusion, and references. These pages are not included in the total page count needed for this assignment. With your references, plan to put them in APA format. Information on APA formatting can be found through the Maryville University Library Citation Libguide. (Links to an external site.)

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