Based upon readings, research, and reflections, share an Action Plan for implementing your learnings within a current or future organization.
From your scores on the Environmental Assessment Survey Instrument (EASI) survey in week 1, comparison of your averages with the cumulative benchmarking data provided in response, the action plan template, and the material covered in this course, what is the essence of your plan to create an environment for more successful projects in your organization? What specific steps do YOU intend for yourself to take in order to make a difference in how people implement project-based work? How can you create or add value to a current or future organization? Use verb based sentences that reflect how you can contribute.
How would you apply the Sales process (described in text Chapter 11) to get any new ideas or proposals accepted?
Define brand “YOU”. What is the personal leadership approach you want to project? How will you make it happen–vision, strategy, execution?
Consider creating and posting a optional video of you presenting your Action Plan.
Post replies to other postings in order to help each other improve implementation of plans.