BUSU 640
Week 5/Assignment 4
Section 8
Operations Plan with Start-Up Expenses
100 Points
Length: Up to 10 pages
Due: Sunday of Week 5 by 11:59 pm PST
Submit Draft for Peer Review: Friday of Week 5 by Noon PST
Addresses Learning Outcomes: 5
- Apply what you learned in your MBA program and if necessary, perform external research to refresh your knowledge base.
- Cite your references.
- If you incorporate illustrations into your narrative, be sure to fully explain your illustrations. You do not want your reader to interpret the illustrations, you must control the message. Provide an in-depth explanation of your illustrations.
- Use section headers aligned to the guidelines for each section (this way you are assured each requirement is included in your narrative).
Section 8: Operations Plan
Write the Operations Plan, including the items listed below as applicable.
Operations Plan Guideline
- Describe how the supply chain will be developed to create time to market, quality, innovation, or cost
- Key suppliers and customers
- List of potential suppliers
- Production & service delivery procedures
- Overall Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) to include all ethical considerations
- Supply Chain service providers
- Logistics
- Packaging
- Transportation
- Physical Plant Layout
- The workflow of the supply chain (from the supplier to the customer).
- An organizational chart of the logistics department.
- Ethical considerations
- Start-up expenses (detailed)
- Up to ten pages.
BUSU 640 Capstone Assignment 4 Rubric
Criteria | Exemplary | Proficient | Developing | Emerging |
Operations Plan (35% of total) | 40
The Operations Plan is clear and easy to understand. The plan is viable and interesting. The items listed in the guideline are included in the narrative. The Operations Plan connects to the marketing and management plans. |
The Operations Plan is fairly clear and easy to understand. The plan is viable and interesting. Most of the items listed in the guideline are included in the narrative. The Operations Plan somewhat connects to the marketing and management plans
The Operations Plan is somewhat easy to understand. The plan is somewhat viable and interesting. Some of the items listed in the guideline are included in the narrative. The Operations Plan somewhat connects to the marketing and management plans.
The Operations Plan is unclear, difficult to understand, and questionably viable. A few of the items listed in the guideline are included in the narrative. The Operations Plan does not connect to the marketing and/or management plans. |
(Theory to Practice) (20% of total) |
There are at least ten citations that demonstrate that theories support the content of the sections. |
There are at least seven citations that demonstrate that theories support the content of the sections.
There are at least five citations that demonstrate that theories support the content of the sections. |
There is little evidence that research was performed. There is a lack of clarity that theories support the content of the sections. |
Critical Analysis
(20% of total) |
Consistently employs critical analysis in discussing the issue(s). Effectively synthesizes and integrates data to draw valid conclusions, identify options, and make specific recommendations. |
Fairly consistently employs critical analysis in discussing the issue(s). Fairly effectively integrates data to draw valid conclusions, identify options, and make recommendations. |
Somewhat employs critical analysis in discussing the issue(s). . Somewhat uses data to draw somewhat valid conclusions and make general recommendations. |
Limited if any critical analysis in discussing the issue(s). Limited if any use data findings to draw conclusions, identify options, and/or make recommendations. |
(10% of total) |
Accurately adheres to 7th Edition APA standards; reference page and citations are correct. All sources listed in References are cited in the paper. Section headers are aligned to the guidelines of the assignment. |
Fairly adheres to 7th Edition APA standards; reference page and citations are correct. All sources listed in References are cited in the paper. Section headers are fairly aligned to the guidelines of the assignment.
Somewhat adheres to 7th Edition APA standards; reference page and citations contain errors. References and citations in the paper may not match. Section headers are somewhat aligned to the guidelines of the assignment.
Does not adhere to 7th Edition APA standards; reference page and citations contain errors. References and citations in the paper do not match. Section headers are not included in the paper. |
Writing Mechanics
(15% of total) |
The paper is logical and well-written; spelling, grammar, and punctuation are accurate. Paper is the required length and includes a correctly prepared title page. |
The paper is logical and well-written but with minor (1 – 3) errors in spelling, grammar, and/or punctuation. The content may be 5% too long or short; includes a correctly prepared title page. |
The paper is somewhat logical and well-written but with several (4 – 7) errors in spelling, grammar, and/or punctuation. The content may be 10% too long or short, and may not include a correctly prepared title page |
The paper lacks clarity and may be confusing with numerous (8+) errors in spelling, grammar, and/or punctuation. The content may be 15% too long or short, and may not include a title page |