

You are a general manager at a grocery store checking your email when you read the two email messages below. Your task is to write a response back to both emails (300 words minimum – total). As you do so, remember the lessons from this module, and seek to address your customers’ concerns—you may see the need to ask clarifying questions, but do not outright dismiss their complaints.


Email Complaint #1

Ticket: # 108182 – Unwanted commercial email messages sent to our mobile phones

Date: 8/28/2016 11:16:14 AM

City/State/Zip: Austin, Texas 78704


Hello there,

I’d like to report a violation of my personal privacy. Ever since I signed up for your customer rewards card, I have been receiving hundreds of unwanted commercial email messages per month to my mobile phone. I have tried multiple times to unsubscribe from these email messages. I have clicked on the “Unsubscribe” button dozens of times and confirmed the unsubscribe request was received, but it has not stopped the email messages at all.

I have also tried calling the number on my rewards card and spoken with representatives numerous times, but the company has STILL not complied. I am still bombarded with hundreds of unwanted commercial email messages to my mobile phone. Upon speaking with other customers of yours, it seems like ALL of us are going through the exact same thing with you guys, so it isn’t just me who is affected by this spam. I don’t how to stop this these emails, and I’m about at my wits end, so I am hopeful that you can help.


Peter Davis

Email Complaint #2

Ticket: # 1523292 – Product Quality

Date: 8/28/2016 2:31:08 PM

City/State/Zip: Austin, Texas 78704


To whom it may concern,

On July 1st, I bought a six pack case of Greek yogurt at your store on SW Main Avenue and 5th Street. Unfortunately, this product not only did not meet any quality requirements, but it also gave me food poisoning.

I am extremely dissatisfied and disappointed with your products because after eating this yogurt, I had a serious allergic reaction. I had to be rushed to the local clinic. Thank goodness I did not allow my children to eat this product—I can only imagine what it could have done to them. Considering that I have had this product multiple times and been fine, but this time when I ate the yogurt I got sick, I am rather sure it is the reason for my allergic reaction. I assume the product had been compromised during shipment to your store or at your store.

I am your long-time and loyal customer. I was always satisfied with the quality of products and services in your store. Therefore, to resolve the problem peacefully, I would appreciate your interest in my problem. I would like to ask you to compensate me with $300, since I had to spend a large sum of money for paying for medicine ($60), clinic visit ($190), and taxi to get there ($40). The rest of the amount ($10) would be a refund for the yogurt. Enclosed are copies of all my receipts.

I hope we can come to a peaceful agreement on this issue. I am waiting for your reply and a resolution to my problem. If I do not hear from you before September 30th, I will seek help from a consumer protection agency or the Better Business Bureau if there is no reply from your side. Please contact me at [email protected] or by phone.


Sheri Russel