
Media/social media – Social media’s and traditional media impact on government, elections, voting, etc. What could be improved at the intersection of politics/government and social media?

  1. An Introduction
  2. Empathy Stage
  3. Define Stage
  4. Ideate Stage

You can use a traditional outline format or get creative and use something like Canva to give more visual impact to your outline.  (Note:  Canva is free.  Do not pay for it if used.  Just make sure you are using the free items of which there are a lot.)


Grading Rubric:

  1. Introduction section – Worth up to 5 points.
  2. Inclusion of Empathy Stage – Worth up to 5 points.
  3. Inclusion of Define Stage – Worth up to 5 points.
  4. Inclusion of Ideate Stage – Worth up to 5 points.
  5. Item has been edited, proofread, and is free of grammatical errors or other technical mistakes – Worth up to 5 points.
  6. Bonus Points:  Up to 5 bonus points for those who create a visually exciting outline to illustrate their points.