Capsim Report

Individual report: “Global DNA Report”

The report should be between 6 and 8 pages long. The Individual Global DNA report will be submitted on Turnitin, Deadline 17 July 2022, 23.59 CET.


Individual Report Structure:

  1. Description of the decisions taken during the 6 rounds by department including relevant figures and pictures:

    1. R&D: Products, International Markets
    2. MARKETING: Comment 4Ps’ Porter, segments, source of competitive advantage, etc. Consider their product line from a “consumer reports” standpoint.
      1. Which strategy were applied for this product? Identify the main characteristics.
      2. Was it consistent or not?
  • Was it in line with chosen segment?


  1. PRODUCTION: Comment your Plants, Outsourcing strategy
  2. FINANCE: Comment your P&L, Balance Sheet, Financial Ratios. Insert Round 8 Annual Report: Reportà Industry Reportà Annual Report.


  1. Success Measures:

    1. What could have been done differently?
    2. What went right or wrong?
    3. Comments on the successes achieved and the major areas for improvement. Insert Figures: ReportsàDebrief ReportsàSuccess MeasuresàWeighted Relative


  1. Major Conclusion. Describe your major key success factors, lessons learned, and experiences gained during the 8 rounds process.


  1. Feedback on Global DNA’s experience. What did it bring you collectively and individually?



Summary Table

Complete at the end including your most important findings for each question

Team Name: Complete
a Max 100 words
b Max 100 words
c Max 100 words
d Max 100 words
2 Insert ReportsàDebrief ReportsàSuccess MeasuresàWeighted Relative

Max 100 words


3 Max 100 words


4 Max 100 words