Capstone – Article 2

Please discuss and apply supply chain management learnings from the attached article to one selected company (Walmart) within that industry utilizing supporting information from professional or company managed sources. How the learnings from the article might impact your company (Walmart) in future decision making on structure, staffing, network design, inventory management, cost structure, sustainability, sourcing, partnerships, the competitive landscape or an increase/decrease in business risk.

Detail Instruction

1) Discuss as if you were tasked as an employee of your chosen company (Walmart) to determine how the data from the report would affect your company’s current and future strategies.

2) Discuss as if you were giving the assessment to your supervisor to include your recommendations. Some could be confirming (on the right track) some should be a case for change (new direction needed).

3) This should read less like an academic paper and more like a data based proposal. As if you are trying to make an argument for the path forward.

Chosen company: Walmart
Due date: 12th feb 2023, 3 pages, APA