Stakeholder Management

Stakeholder Management   In this assignment you will be asked to apply stakeholder management theory to the following scenario:   A public corporation of 980 employees manufactures a popular brand of garments (mostly jeans) that are primarily made and sold in the United States. It has a large contingent of employees in several small rural … Read more


Language: One  of  the  fundamental  elements  of  culture  is  language.  The  ways  people  with  autism communicate play a crucial role in their condition. It can be challenging for people with autism to relate to and interact with others. The intellectual and social growth of children with ASD affects their capacity for language and communication. They … Read more

Discussion 5

It was only June 29th, 2007, when the first iPhone came out, but it feels like we have been living with these devices and their apps for much longer. Smartphones have created a new way of living. We are always connected, have instant access to information, instant directions to any location, and much more. The … Read more

Dis 10

In this post you can choose one of the suggested topics or add your own, as long as it addresses organic food and/or GMO.  Follow the same format. topics for your main post: Do you think GMOs should be      restricted or banned as they are in most of Europe and other parts of the      world? … Read more


In this essay, students will again be using evidence (both primary and secondary sources) to make a historical argument.  Essays will be examined for three key components: Does the essay have a clear argument? Is the essay organized in a clear manner, with paragraphs that are structured by theme? Is the argument supported by specific … Read more

Week 4 DQ

Week 4: Data-Driven Innovation Q.1 Watch the video and comment on what is being presented. Data-driven design for sustainable competitive advantage | Geoff McGrath | TEDxGlasgowSalon – YouTube Pick some concrete examples of companies other than those in the video that are doing these types of innovations. (

Business Ethics Homework

THE HISTORY OF BUSINESS ETHICS AND STAKEHOLDER THEORY IN AMERICA Based on your readings, describe what you consider to be the responsibility of top leadership in a large organization with respect to reaching a balance between profits and stakeholder concerns. Please support your position by giving some examples from the text or from other sources … Read more


Instructions First Mini Research Paper Topic and Annotated Bibliography For this assignment, you will submit a research topic and complete an annotated bibliography of five resources for the first mini research paper due at the conclusion of Unit II. This assignment will be one document in two parts.Part 1: Your research topic requires you to … Read more

3 Rep 2

READ- PROS Reduces medical errors The use of EHR’s decreases medical errors through its built in safety alerts. For example, following the 5 rights of medication administration will prevent medication errors, but if a nurse scans a medication that is not in the patients MAR, an alert will pop up to prevent the nurse from giving … Read more

Week 13 Article Review

Instructions: Summarize one of the articles assigned for the topic of the week using the format below. Article reference  using APA format (5 points): Summarize the purpose of the study (at least 3 sentences – 10 points): What/who are the subjects and setting (at least 4 sentences – 10 points): What experimental design did the authors use?(at … Read more