Sezary syndrome and mutation in DNA ( Genomics)

Please explain what Sezary syndrome and  mutation in DNA ( Genomics) FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS!!!!!! –Abstract of the proposal  – Context and objectives of the proposal  – Introduction  – Research objectives  Your research objectives are the key things you intend for your research to accomplish. They may be the specific questions that your research will answer, and/or … Read more

writers needed

 We’re looking for scholarly writers. We’re looking for technical tutors who can help with math, accounting, matlabs, all programming languages, and basic writing. The cost of technical orders on our page varies from $80-500 depending on the task, while routine purchases cost $8-11. Payment is done after two weeks. For more details, please send your … Read more

Week6 Final/Research Proposal

  The written research proposal will be created based on a narrowly defined aspect of the topic selected in Week One. A research proposal is a detailed plan for a specific study to be conducted at a future time. It is the document which potential researchers typically submit to an institutional review board (IRB) for … Read more

week6 discussion/IA

  Prior to beginning work on this interactive assignment, it is recommended that you review the recommended resources for this week as they will assist you in the creation of an effective presentation of your Research Design. This interactive assignment will provide you with an opportunity to create a dynamic presentation of some of the … Read more

week5 discussion

  Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapters 1 and 2 of the Hesse-Biber e-book, Mixed Methods Research: Merging Theory with Practice, and the two required articles for this week. Mixed methods is a current popular methodology. While this type of methodology is useful for some studies, because of its dual nature as … Read more

week 4 discussion

  Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapters 2, 3, 4, and 5 from the Frost (2011) e-book. For this discussion you will take on the role of a clinical psychologist treating clients for depression. You are interested in doing research on effective treatments for a chronic form of depression called dysthymia. In … Read more


 Students should survey and access the viruses that have emerged in recent years and what scientists have proposed are the causes of these viruses arising from what impact they have on human populations globally. 

hwk help

  write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. Assume that you are the manager in your chosen health care facility in the medical records department. … Read more