week 5 dis

  To prepare for this discussion, you researched conflict management strategies in modern health care organizations. Modern health care organizations have unique cultural and demographic situations that often create conflict. Discuss at least two examples of situations where the application of either a collaborative or competitive strategy might be beneficial in managing conflict.  How would … Read more

Anatomy disccuss7

  More people are becoming interested in detox diets and organ health. As a health educator, one of your roles is differentiating evidence versus popular media and marketing. In this discussion, we will explore evidence that supports the role of nutrition in liver health to add to your ability to differentiate nutrition science from media. … Read more

EMERGENCY 2 hour turn around

Please use the following criteria to develop your PPP: Introductory slide with at least 2 presentation objectives (1 slide) Provide an overview of health conditions among older adults (i.e. Hyperlipidemia, Hypertension, COPD, etc.) (1-2 slides) Provide an overview of the cardiovascular system in older adults (2-3 slides) Discuss factors that contribute to the changes in … Read more


  To prepare for this discussion, you researched various teams within a health care facility in your community and the communication methods used. Suggest the major reasons why a well-integrated communication process is important for the performance of any organization and the major reasons why such a process is particularly important in health care organizations. Support … Read more


  For this learning activity, you will complete an online learning module from the Institute for Healthcare Improvement. The goal of this activity is to provide you with an examination of effective teamwork and communication in a health care setting. Overview Effective teamwork and communication are critical parts of the design of safe systems. In … Read more

Cultural diversity unit 4

In this unit, you will experience the key role narrative plays in exposing stereotypes and bringing awareness to cultural diversity issues.         Download the Perspectives: The Journey of Narrative Template Follow the template instructions Demonstrate your understanding of key concepts from the weekly content by including analysis of specific evidence in your responses within the … Read more

message to your political representative(s). Address the following in your message: Use the appropriate structure for the delivery format (letter or email). Introduce yourself and your intent or request. Describe the social problem and impacts of the p

message to your political representative(s). Address the following in your message: Use the appropriate structure for the delivery format (letter or email). Introduce yourself and your intent or request. Describe the social problem and impacts of the p

1 of 822 (no subject) Inbox Yvanna Hildaiz 9:36 PM (0 minutes ago) to me PSY2030-Written Extra Credit Assignments The goal of this assignment is to read an academic journal article and demonstrate that you understand the important methods and statistic

1 of 822 (no subject) Inbox Yvanna Hildaiz 9:36 PM (0 minutes ago) to me PSY2030-Written Extra Credit Assignments The goal of this assignment is to read an academic journal article and demonstrate that you understand the important methods and statistic

Term Project – week 8 – (17%): You were just hired by an airline industry to create a database to record the various airlines and the pilots that work for them Discussions with the industry representatives focused on two initial entities, Airlines and Pi

Term Project – week 8 – (17%): You were just hired by an airline industry to create a database to record the various airlines and the pilots that work for them Discussions with the industry representatives focused on two initial entities, Airlines and Pi