internet of things and farming (project)

  In this assignment, you will create an infographic that evaluates one aspect of IoT in farming. Infographics are visual charts that take a complicated or boring topic and present them in a fun, quick, and visually engaging way. Infographics are designed with a purpose in mind: often to inform or persuade. You can choose … Read more

internet of things at the store

  Research a career in the Internet of Things in the retail industry. It can be one mentioned here, but can also be from your own research. It can occur anywhere along the supply chain (invention, design, creation, manufacturing, sales, promotion, etc.) Answer the following questions about this career: What is it? How does it … Read more

Internect of thing i health care (short answer)

  In section five, we discussed three areas about careers in the IoT of Healthcare. The first, about skills you might need to succeed, the second about opportunities in the field, and the third about start-up companies in the industry. Using these articles, and your own research, choose an IoT of Healthcare job and the … Read more


Part 1 Juan, Mrs. Cane’s 11 year old grandson, has just recently been diagnosed with leukemia. Based on the type of leukemia, his doctor suggested that a bone marrow transplant might be his best treatment option. 1) Based on you knowledge of blood physiology (specifically, blood cell count, blood cell functions, blood cell disorders, the … Read more

Leadership Theories in Practice

  To Prepare: Review the Resources and examine the leadership theories and behaviors introduced. Identify two to three scholarly resources, in addition to this Module’s readings, that evaluate the impact of leadership behaviors in creating healthy work environments. Reflect on the leadership behaviors presented in the three resources that you selected for review.  Post two key … Read more


  In this assignment students will be creating a presentation on  innovations in biology and technology. students will be submitting it  into their assignment folder as a video link of a narrated PowerPoint or  Slides presentation, and a Word document of your narration (your  “speaker’s notes) which will be reviewed for similarity by Turnitin.  Instructions … Read more


 Please use this website to help you build your mission statement: Franklin Covey (Links to an external site.). Use this space to share the rough draft of your mission statement. You can either upload the results from the Covey website or write out your draft mission statement (no APA format required) 

Discussion Topic- disorder of the urinary system

Discussion Topic In this forum, choose one of the disorder of the urinary system (Chapter 9) Your post must include the following information root(s), suffix and prefix of the disease cause(s) of the disorder risk factors of the disorder signs and/or symptoms how is it diagnosed how it affects the body overall treatment(s) and/or cure. what is the … Read more


  What are your thoughts about the role of homework during the initial stage of a group?  What kind of homework do you see as being particularly valuable? Discuss the purpose of group expectations. Create group expectations for your group. 300 words


200 words   What is the difference between a closed and an open group and what are some advantages and disadvantages for each? What are a few methods you might use in recruiting members? What issue would you want to explore during a pre-group interview? You have a candidate that is insisting on becoming a … Read more