New Replies

1-Hello Class and Professor, The Saying “Business ethics should be grounded in deontology more than utilitarianism”, means that doing the right thing is what business ethics should be grounded on, not simply whatever creates the best result and benefit for the majority. BP and the company that wouldn’t hire Adele had business ethics grounded in … Read more

Modern Maidens 4 Paragraphs

LINK : 1. Include some notes here of features you found striking in the two clips, especially in comparison to the original story or the Disney film. This part is informal, so don’t worry about complete sentences, etc., just focus on pulling out some key details from the scenes. (1paragprah) 2.  LINK: Why … Read more


A 3-5 page APA style paper on the following topic An inspired leader who also occupies the top management position often relates to poor performance and slow response to change, especially if the CEO remains in position for a long time and is able to challenge the Board of Directors. Steve Jobs led APPLE to … Read more

Case Study Project

Using the Internet and the Walden Library databases, your will analyze a particular current event or topic in international finance (or international economics) using at least three sources. You will summarize your current event or topic and support your viewpoints and observations with evidence from research and the sources used in your article using the … Read more

Week 3 Assignment GEN499 DUE SEP 18TH 11:59 PM

Hello Class! I chose lack of education for my topic; however, I think my interpretation differs from others. I interpret a lack of education as a lack of education within the trade’s education realm and not traditional university education. The lack of skilled tradesmen in a dynamic country is alarming for future growth, sustainability, and … Read more

On-The-Job Action Plan – Full Draft

On-the-Job Action Plan Rubric (200 points total) Criteria Expert Proficient Competent Novice Project Management Knowledge Learner clearly, accurately, and appropriately draws upon and utilizes project management concepts and terminology from the videos and readings to provide a solid foundation for their action plan. 46-50 points Learner uses project management concepts and terminology from the videos … Read more

Discussion Responses Wk2 Accounting In 24 Hours

Respond to two or more of your colleagues’ posts in one or more of the following ways: (Respond to each Colleague 150 words or more) Ask a clarifying question about the example your colleague described. Relate your own experience of how a balanced scorecard might have had a positive impact on your understanding to the situation your colleague … Read more


Answer the following questions for the case write-up. Which segment from among the six would you recommend as a target for PicDeck? Explain the logic and rationale behind your choice as well as any concerns you may have about the segment. Develop a positioning statement for your target segment. (Make sure you review the lecture notes … Read more