Business Finance – Operations Management Individual Written Assignment

Part I: Read textbook Chapter 4: Individual Values, Perceptions, and Reactions. Page 273. Complete the Understand Yourself Exercise: How Well Do You Add Up as a Team Member? Add up your score. Then find your score range.   Part II: Write a reflection essay by using the following questions to prompt your thoughts: Do you … Read more

Business Finance – Operations Management Individual Written Assignment

Choose a company and identify a current change in their business strategy and evaluate a current public issue about which “something must be done.” In relation to the change issue, think about and write what sense-making changes might need to be enacted and how you would go about doing this. Then, design a mind map … Read more

Business Finance – Operations Management Individual Written Assignment

Read the following two business press and news about an acquisition in Environment Service Industry   Use the following outline to answer:   Introduction Summarize each story (no more than five sentences). Business Evaluation Current Standing Where is the organization now in their change proposal? Goals and Objectives Where does the organization … Read more