
– need one page   odule 11 question about Identify Threats The increasing pace of digital transformation requires network administrators, technicians, engineers, architects, executives, and even users to consistently monitor shifting vulnerabilities and new threats. While you can never identify every threat to a network, it’s important to regularly identify the greatest threats and develop … Read more


Discussion – Intro to Data Mining When thinking about the association rule, answer the following questions this week. What is the association rule in data mining? Why is the association rule especially important in big data analysis? How does the association rule allow for more advanced data interpretation?     Text Book Title: Introduction to Data … Read more


Assignment Instructions Define cybercrime and the categories of cybercrime. Research how cybercrime (either in general or with respect to  certain crimes — e.g., hacking, identity theft, cyberstalking) is  handled in at least three different countries (one can be the United  States). Compare and contrast each country’s laws. What ethical issues  arise as a result of … Read more


Week 6 is here! Posted on: Sunday, February 12, 2023 11:59:00 PM EST Hello Students. Week 6 is here! There is a connection between chapter three and chapter one in the dissertation writing process. Therefore, as an extension of our week in the mock chapter three from last week, you will write a mock chapter … Read more

Feb 17

7 Steps to Solving a Problem Here are seven steps you can take when confronted with a problem. Instead of feeling overwhelmed, view the problem as a challenge or a game to figure out. 1. Look at the Big Picture. Get an overview of what is happening; look at the situation as objectively as possible. … Read more

Identifying Data Roles

Discuss different types of data roles and why each of them is important for the successful completion of the data life cycle. Respond to two peers by commenting on their posts and briefly summarizing the change in security and privacy protection by countries and organizations. Focus on the why, what, or how of privacy protecting.