Non Verbal Communication

take  a look at the videos and article presented that are linked below. Pay  particular attention to the video and article, as you watch/read, take  notes on some of the topics presented that interest you. This is a short  summary, Video 1 Video 2  Article: The Puzzle of Non-Verbal Communication Requirements for this assignment: You … Read more

Week 3 (S. Evans)

Brand Extension Assignment: Choose a product and write a 5 page summary discussing how you would create a brand extension of that product. Include your rationale for the brand extension. Headings to include: Brand (to include a brief background) Extension idea Rationale/justification or need for the new idea- include relating the idea back to the … Read more

Accountability And Accreditation Discussion

Discussion Question: Please provide at least a 250-word response, utilizing references from the text and/or supplemental reading. This week you had a chance to explore the measures of student learning as a means for reflecting on institutional effectiveness. Define what this concept means and articulate some of the challenges and opportunities associated with the application … Read more

BA Students

BA Students Q1 What are some objections to fire department involvement in the plan review process voiced by architects, developers, and other public officials and what as fire prevention professionals, are benefits that counter those objections? Q2 in the Comprehensive Planning Guide, choose the EOP format that would be best suited to use in the … Read more


WASHINGTON STATE EDUCATOR PROFESSIONAL GROWTH PLAN (PGP) TEMPLATE FOR EDUCATOR PREPARATION PROGRAM COMPLETION Educator information First name: J Last name: E Preparation program: Principal Certification Program Academic year: 2022 – 2023 Self-assessment and goal selection 1.     Self-assessment. Use a self-assessment to identify an area of focus that will lead to your professional growth. You might … Read more


discuss why medical error is the 3rd leading cause of death in the US (after heart disease and cancer).  What ideas are put forth to better track the prevalence of medical error reporting? Do you think these are achievable?   Limit to 200 words. without references APA style

Literature Skills.

        Instructions This lesson’s assignment will provide you with an opportunity to practice different synthesizing techniques.  You will continue to develop your dissertation literature review base by thematizing your existing information and adding four additional credible, relevant resources.   In previous assignments, you were asked to discover evidence of the research problem and … Read more

Clinical Field Experience D: Applying Intervention And Remediation Strategies

Assessment Description When teaching ELA, teachers must be mindful of the varying literacy skills and abilities each student possesses and create instruction and learning opportunities that can help students practice their skills, particularly when they are struggling with reading and writing. The ability to structure activities that allow students repeated practice in deficit literacy skill … Read more

Education Journal Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to assess how you evaluate types of play, and how each type promotes healthy development in early childhood. Play is important in children’s development. Children learn from solitary play and playing with others (cooperative play). Play helps simulate and develop friendships and socioemotional skills. Children learn to think, problem … Read more