Week 1

Assignment: Students in the DIS-9901 dissertation sequence will be required to complete Chapter 1 of their Dissertation Proposal including a brief review of the literature with substantiating evidence of the problem, the research purpose and questions, the intended methodological design and approach, and the significance of the study. The criterias for the paper: Criteria Does … Read more

Topic Statement And Sources

  Topic:  A health issue ( The dangers behind using e-cigarettes) a. Describe your topic and establish what makes it interesting—both from a scientific perspective and to you personally. b. State your research question and make clear why this question is important or worth answering. Be specific rather than general when writing this section. c. Establish what … Read more


Option Two: Explore of the History of an ECE Toy or Material This option involves creating a visual essay (you may want to review Froebel and Montessori’s didactic toys and materials, and/or Caroline Pratt’s blocks, and/or Harriet Johnson “The art of block building” first). https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.89309/page/n3/mode/2up In your visual essay: Explain why you chose that particular … Read more

Dsrt 734 W9

DSRT 734 M51 INFERENTIAL STATISTICS FOR DECISION MAKING Week-9 Discussions, Reflections, and Questions   Please discuss, elaborate, and reflect on the following from chapter10.  I have listed the important topics and some of them are questions. Give examples and elaborate on the applications of the topic.  After reading your textbook, I want you to have … Read more


Q1 What does it mean to have a disorder? The text mentions several criteria used to define behavior as “abnormal.” However, many psychologists argue that these criteria are unclear and leave considerable room for interpretation. For example, Wakefield (1997) states that “lack of a valid concept of disorder is not just conceptually and methodologically problematic; … Read more


Posting 9—Students with Physical or Health Disparities Discuss the characteristics of orthopedic impairments, other health impairments, and traumatic brain injury.  How might these students be taught in the classroom and what strategies/methods seem to work best? Please include other considerations such as the environment and use of technology. Be sure to discuss the benefits and … Read more

Discussion- Role Of Family, Culture, And Other Environmental Factors In Development

Two paragraphs with at least 100 words per paragraph explaining the following which should include a reference for each individual paragraph. 1.  Based on your topic readings, identify three ways in which culture influences child development, as well as classroom behavior. 2.  What are some strategies you could use to increase parent involvement and to … Read more

Theorist Table

Educational psychology theorists Part I: You will be required to research and complete the following Educational Psychology Theorists Table (pg. 2).  You may find information in your book or use other academic sources to complete the table.  You must provide references (so a reference page is required) and provide accurate citations using APA 7th edition.  … Read more

Education Final Assignment

Final Paper Assignment Instructions Overview It is incredible to think how much has been learned over the past eight modules.  The Final Paper Assignment is a cumulative review of all chapters studied in the textbook.  Take time to reflect back over all of the information and knowledge you have gained throughout this course. Instructions You … Read more