Module9 Disc5

In a daily ECEC setting, how might you expect to see, hear and feel support in providing encouragement for children’s connections and relationships with nature? Ensure you offer examples. Please include your response within the corresponding topics in the identified threads. You may obtain up to 3.5 points for this discussion response; however, in order … Read more

Discuss Legal And Ethical Requirements Of Maintaining A Student With Disabilities Confidential Information

In 500 words · Discuss and defend the legal, ethical, and quality requirements related to the management of confidential student information, such as the information displayed a transition plan. · Reflect on how you will use the foundational knowledge you developed to provide professional, ethical and legal educational services in your future professional practice. Support … Read more


    Assignment – PWS Component III – Design for Implementation and Evaluation Execution is everything. In this Component of the Transition Support Plan, you will describe in detail how the plan will be implemented and evaluated throughout implementation. This component should provide details such as who, what, when, where, and how. Component III continues to … Read more

Teaching Observation

In this assignment, you will combine all of the information you have learned this week to evaluate a teaching scenario. For each learning context, you will be observing a teacher in the classroom. After watching the video, answer the questions, based on your context, using the information from the week as your guide. Respond to … Read more

406 Module 9

    Share your thoughts on two or more of the reflection questions: Questions In what ways do children manage transitions? In what ways can we support parents to communicate the unique needs of their child as they transition between home and preschool? How do adults respond to children’s care aware of the child’s process … Read more

Week 4

Comprehensive Assessment Binder Create an online binder, using LiveBinders, with information about the different types of assessments that make up a comprehensive assessment program, including formative and summative assessments, formal and informal assessments, portfolios, performance assessments, self-assessments and affective assessments, and norm-referenced and criterion-referenced standardized assessments. This binder should be set up and organized in … Read more