unit 1 – Admin health services due 04.14.2022

  As a health care manager, it will be important to understand the management functions, which include planning, organizing, controlling, and leading. Complete the following for this Discussion Board: Choose 2 of these functions, and compare them. Discuss the differences and similarities of the 2 functions. Describe which level of manager (for example, supervisor, manager, … Read more

Week 4 Assignment

Students demonstrate a range of typical and atypical social behaviors and emotions. Therefore, it is important for teachers to understand key aspects of social and emotional development that affect childhood through adolescence. For this assignment, write a 500-750 word report of current behaviors or events occurring in a format known as a brief. The brief … Read more

Week 4 Topic 2

What are two examples of atypical social and emotional development from children in the grade level you want to teach? In a classroom setting, how can you help typically socially and emotionally developing children continue to grow? ( 150 words and please cite)

Week 4 Topic 1

Self-regulation is important to teach, specifically in early childhood classrooms. Select and describe two self-regulation strategies you can use in the classroom. ( 150 words and please cite)

IEP Meeting Synopsis Notes

 Will be submited via turn it in  Students will be provided a case scenario for an upcoming IEP meeting. Students will write a synopsis of the points they will cover during the IEP meeting to help the team make educationally relevant decisions for the IEP. The synopsis will be based on information related to IDEA … Read more


  Discussion Post #5 200 words or more Respond to the following questions. Please remember to post twice (to original question AND on another student’s post). For this week’s response, review a peer’s SMART goal and explain if it includes each component of a SMART goal: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Results-Oriented, and Timebound. Remember to use … Read more


  Assessment of young children’s progress and achievements is ongoing, strategic, and purposeful. The results of assessment are used to inform the planning and implementing of experiences, to communicate with the child’s family, and to evaluate and improve teachers’ and the program’s effectiveness. —Carol Copple and Sue Bredenkamp,Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs: Serving … Read more


You also submitted a one-sentence summary of the article. For this assignment, write a summary paragraph about your chosen article. The summary should include: An introductory sentence that identifies the title of the article, who wrote it, and the main idea of the article. At least 3-5 body sentences that identify supporting details and any … Read more


 We’ve covered a few very important characteristics of good writing this week: How to write effective sentences and paragraphs, avoiding common errors, documenting your sources, and thinking critically as you write. Now, here’s a scenario that will allow you to practice what you’ve learned. For any writer, telling one’s life story in three paragraphs can … Read more