Answer the following questions below and address them thoroughly in a few paragraphs

 Original Discussion Response (Main Post)  Listen to the story below  Original Discussion Response (Main Post) Experts have found that those who possess GRIT are more likely to stick it out, fight through the storms, and reach their goals. Psychologist Angela Duckworth defines GRIT as having both the passion and perseverance for long-term goals. She … Read more

Formal Lab Report

   How to write lab report: Example of Lab Report: The Lab that is supposed to be turned into a full report of shi 5-6 pages:  


Please watch the video below and write a 2-3 page easy, see attached file for the instruction

Case Study: Transforming the Organization

 Write a memo to the CIO that describes how to implement your information system into the organization. Please focus on these topics: How much of the implementation work can you handle? What additional resources (people, information, time, money, et cetera) will expedite the process so you don’t end up like Susie Jeffer? What is your … Read more


  what is automation, give exambles of three advantages and three disadvantages, why and why not automation should be implemnted into a process. include at least three references that support your work.  need two paper


   1.1 CourseworkTask to be completed by Students Component 01 – Individual Reflective Report During your Advance Practice you will have developed a number of skills and will have experienced a number of emotions. This component gives you the opportunity to reflect, analyse and propose future actions as a result of your experiences during this … Read more


Steam enters the turbine of a simple vapor power plant with a pressure of 60 bar, and a temperature of 500°C, and expands adiabatically to a condenser pressure, p, where it fully condenses to a quality of zero at the condenser exit (x = 0). The isentropic efficiency of both the turbine and the pump … Read more

Assignment 4 cyber

Instructions In order to complete assignment #4 you will need to answer the below questions. Please complete the questions in a Word document and then upload the assignment for grading. When assigning a name to your document please use the following format (last name_Assignment #4). Use examples from the readings, lecture notes and outside research … Read more

Week 4 – Cyber Security

1. Identify and describe four ways in which the privacy threats posed by cybertechnology differ from those posed by earlier technologies? 2. Can a person claim privacy rights when they use social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter? Why is this difficult to define?  Can there be such a thing a privacy on the … Read more