Climate Change writing

Topic:  Extinction of species & climate     Related to climate science or climate change impacts.   Requirement: The format of all papers should be 12 pt Times New Roman, with line spacing of 1.5 lines and a ragged right margin. Please use APA reference format   Should be ≥ 8 pages + references 

Network Security Monitoring Processes

Network Security Monitoring Processes Please look at the killing with keyboards file then answer the following questions in the context of the best practice concepts covered in chapter 11 and the security professional proficiencies covered in chapter 13. Identify what is at risk here, 5 possible threats and 5 vulnerabilities in this scenario. Analyze measures … Read more

Electric Shock R

Most people think of electrocution from overhead wires or dangerous power lines. However, there are also small circuits, such as the ones you learn to design in this course, that are very dangerous. One such example is the electronic cigarette, or E-Cig for short (See Figure 1 below). This is actually a small systems engineering … Read more

Download YouTube Videos

 Hello, My name’s David Detroit. To get an immediate and efficient solution if   you are unable to download YouTube videos, you can contact us. To learn more, read our blog or call   us at one of our toll-free numbers.    

Eng Materials

Describe the materials used and how they contributed to society during the Stone Age and Bronze Age. .  4 page HOUSES FOOD & FAMILY WORK TOOLS & WEAPONS ARTS & CRAFTS

Idea Paper

Instructions Concept/idea Paper. Submit an 3 page concept/idea paper IAW APA format on an approved topic (see pre-approved topics in the syllabus). Paper organization will include (use as headings): Introduction. Problem Statement. Relevance and Significance. References (at least five). 2. Pre-approved research topics: � Authentication/Digital signatures � Data collections tools (hardware & software) � E-business/e-commerce … Read more


Distinguish between alert data (including generation tools) and previously covered NSM monitoring (including collection tools).  Example of post:  ONLY AN EXAMPLE The difference between alert data and the data collected by NSM is that alert data is slightly more processed by the alert infrastructure and appends alert information. The input data is largely the same … Read more


   3 pages single spaced, 12 pt font (Times New Roman). Select an example of fraud in science and engineering research that has occurred. You may select from the list in the links below, or find your own example. Provide at least three reference(s) for your report.     Background   and introduction. References – at a … Read more

ENGR Solid work design

 Please upload 5 items. 1. PDF of screenshots of the 4 problems with 2D dimensions and 4 screenshots of 3D models.  -Show date and time of computer  -Please put name and class number plus section. 2. The 4 separate SolidWorks part files.  You can add 2 files by clicking ” add another file” in canvas … Read more