Yalainet Hw E. 500.

500 words minimum – The right to education is a reserved power. What does this mean? Should the right to education be a reserved power, a concurrent power, or a delegated power? Why is this your opinion? Please make sure to cite three different sources in your response. At the end of the 500 word … Read more


Ministry and God’s Mission Purpose What is a ministry in a world of human beings created by God? The purpose of this discussion is not to help put knowledge in your head but to invite you to a gave of mindfulness. What do you know or not yet understand? What would you like to find … Read more


Puritans: The Puritans were a group of English Protestants in the 16th and 17th centuries who sought to “purify” the Church of England from within. They believed in strict religious discipline, simplicity, and moral purity. One example of Puritan literature in the Norton Anthology is Anne Bradstreet’s poem, “To My Dear and Loving Husband.” Bradstreet … Read more

Student Learning Outcomes

Academic tone – avoid: 2nd person/the written “you”; slang, clichés/overused phrases ;vague word choices (a lot, stuff, things) and absolutes (always, every, never, since the beginning of time MLA FORMAT 750 word   PROMPT #1 – All of the Student Learning Outcomes for this course, in some way, are based on the idea of critical thinking … Read more

250 Word Discussion Post

Description:  In the news we are constantly hearing about security breaches, invasion of personal privacy, and the increasing prevalence of our digital footprint. The increased availability of digital information presents concerns and challenges of privacy, accuracy, intellectual property rights, security, and censorship. As a global citizen, you need to be aware of these issues and … Read more

Critical Post

1 ENGL 2570: Survey of American Literature I Dr. S. Toland-Dix, Professor CRITICAL ESSAY ASSIGNMENT The critical essay should be an interpretation of literary text(s) that establishes the author’s intent by analyzing characters, imagery, and/or themes/main ideas. Each paper should contain a clear, analytical thesis statement. Develop your argument through close reading and textual analysis … Read more


HIT sounds like IT but differs in various aspects. IT strategies of an organization are aligned with its organizational/business strategies. Differentiate between HIT and IT strategies with respect to their similarities and dissimilarities. Assume that you have been hired as a consultant and asked to assess the effectiveness of HIT governance for a healthcare organization. … Read more


Assignment Please write the answers to each question WEEK ONE What is intercultural communication (reading)? What is communication accommodation theory (CAT) (reading)? Definition of culture (lecture)? What does enculturation mean (lecture)? Definition of communication and the influences and principles thereof (i.e. irreversible, intentional/unintentional, etc.) (lecture). What does it mean to say that meanings are in … Read more


Discussion Board: The Effects of Grief and Trauma Prompt Thinking about the readings from this Module, write a 300-400 word discussion board post in which you explore one or more of these questions: In his Ted Talk Links to an external site., poetry professor Daniel Tysdal says that poetry is how we can express and respond … Read more