
Write a minimum of 400 words discussion. Cite with APA format. Discuss the way Gian Lorenzo Bernini mixes different artforms in Ecstasy of Saint Teresa. Also mention the baroque characteristics visible in this work of art. 


In the video below, you’ll find a “backing track.” The performer plays a basic 12-bar blues in G major. Anyone who wants to solo over the chords can do so in the privacy of their home, or wherever! The chords are shown on the screen. If you follow the beat, you should hear three groups … Read more

M Civilization W3

 250 WORDS MINIMUM NOTHING LESS. first read ch. 20 in Making of the West, view the film on Napoleonic Life (link in Module Three resources), and study David’s painting (link below). Then answer the questions. Crowning of Emperor Napoleon & Josephine (https://www.tripimprover.com/blog/the-coronation-of-napoleon-by-jacques-louis-david#:~:text=Napoleon%20is%20the%20person%20in%20the%20middle%20holding,the%20right%20of%20Napoleon%20is%20Pope%20Pius%20VII.)  Life During the Early Years of Napoleon’s Reign – Video – Films On … Read more

Narrative topic

 Choose one of the following topics. • Narrate an experience you had with a writing or reading task that you found (or still find) difficult or challenging. Explain the significance of this experience. • Describe a critical moment or event in your literacy development. Explain the importance of this event. • Narrate a time when … Read more

Intro Ethics

2.5 pages minimum. MLA Format In a journal format, answer or elaborate on the following: 1. Overview of Utilitarianism: In your own words, explain what you understand about utilitarianisn. If someone asked you what you studied in this chapter, what could you tell that person? What is still confusing to you? 2. Overview of Kant’s Deontology: … Read more

Intro to Ethics W3 Discuss 2

  Choose either Option 1 or 2 for your Initial Posting. Option 1. Do you identify more with Kant’s deontology or Bentham’s Utilitarianism from Chapter 5?  Is intention more important than consequences? Give an example of a difficult decision you made that you feel was the morally right decision. Was your decision based on intention, on consequences, or … Read more

Causal analysis

  Identify a social, environmental, or political problem of local, national, or global concern. A causal analysis (suggested 3-4pgs). Do the following: Address an appropriate topic. A practical introduction. A thesis statement that previews two to four causes. Be sure to focus only on the causes of the problem; do not consider effects or solutions. … Read more

Intro to Ethics Project 1

 Please follow the instructions in the file attached below. Follow every instruction. I will not accept a shoddy work under no circumstances. 3.5-5 pages nothing less. READ EVERY SINGLE INSTRUCTION BEFORE YOU START WORKING ON THE ASSIGNMENT AND TAKE YOUR TIME.  

Language and Literacy

* Please copy/paste each question before your answer below. After reading the article “Can you read to Me?” Answer the following questions: 1. According to the textbook and article, why is it important to read to children? Please write about two key points from each:  textbook and article 2. What skills can be developed? 3. … Read more

The book of Samuel outlines

Students will produce book outlines of the biblical book of Samuel, read and summarized for the reading assignment. Outlines should be thorough and not merely based on headings found in a particular English version but thoughtful analysis. Outlines should account for important literary movements and changes throughout the book, showing at least three levels of … Read more