Ch 8 Investigate Development Case: Bullying

  MAKE A DECISION: Do you think Emily should enroll in a different middle school? Yes No Why? Give reasons for why you chose the way you did. Consider the following factors in your reasons: Characteristics of children victimized by bullies Relationship between bullying victimization and academic performance Relationship between bullying victimization and mental health


  Continuing with the case: Community Blood Center of the Carolinas: Donations, Donations, Donations, Complete a full case analysis incorporating your work from your ASSIGNMENT 5 FOR SWOT analysis . Use the following format to complete this assignment. An introduction  Definition of the problem.  Identification of the stakeholders.  Identification of alternative solutions.  Evaluation of alternative … Read more


 Review the case: Community Blood Center of the Carolinas: Donations, Donations, Donations. Complete and Answer the following questions: Complete a traditional SWOT analysis for the situation Who is the decision maker in this case? What appears to be the problem and its significance? Why has the issue arisen and why is the decision maker involved … Read more

Reply to this post about The Safety and Effectiveness of Alternative and Complementary Medicine

Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) can be accessed through the counter without a physician’s assistance. The rise in popularity and adoption across healthcare disciplines indicates continued acceptance amid concerns over the safety, ethicality, and applicability of such approaches in meeting diverse population health needs. Standard practices in modern practice include mind-body therapies, manipulative and body-based … Read more

payin 7

Discussion Question A nurse colleague uses his personal cell phone to take a photo of a patient’s wound and then sends a message with the photo to the primary care provider via a text. Please consider the following in your discussion post: What principles of patient confidentiality might be an issue? Consider legal and ethical. … Read more

Human Anatomy Discussion Post

View TED TALK STROKE 1. No later than Wednesday post a SUBSTANTIVE INITIAL RESPONSE of your opinion of this video  Failure to post a Timely Substantial Initial Response -10 for lateness, -10 for incompleteness/lack of substance Poor posts (Ex. “That’s great!” “Really liked your post”) will receive zero points. You are to provide thoughtful posts … Read more