Political Advocacy

The purpose of this assignment is to have students investigate a current health issue and serve as an advocate of this health issue within their community. This assignment will include 3 key components, which includes a (1) Policy Brief, (2) Fact Sheet, and (3) Reflection. ead Schoon, Porta, & Schaffer (2019) Chapter 13-14 and Savage … Read more

A 1

 Explain how prevalent delinquency is among adolescents. Be sure to include current, scholarly data to support your position. Next, be sure to identify and describe in detail which theory best explains juvenile delinquency from your perspective. Support each with current, scholarly research literature. 

Societal Influences on Juvenile Delinquency

 Criminologists have introduced a number of theories that attempt to explain why juveniles engage in acts of delinquency. Some of these theories focus on the social environment in which the juvenile resides while others believe the types of social interactions a juvenile has can influence their decision to engage in delinquency. 

Leadership Self-Assessment Pp

  The leadership assessment pper will allow you to explore your leadership style, as defined by the results of your individual DiSC assessment. Organize the pper according to the sections outlined below and be sure all points are covered in your response. Please note the points values attached to the various sections and allocate your … Read more

Weekly Activity {Attachment Theory}

 4 questions  What type of care giving might a child have received in order to respond with such rage and distrust? While the article was written concerning foster care, what implication does it have for early care and learning settings? What surprised you about the article? What did you learn from the article?   What can you … Read more

health assesment m8

  Instructions: Assignment: Conduct an assessment on the following body system: Heart & Lungs You may conduct the assessment on a fellow student, friend, or family member. Remember to secure their permission. Collect both subjective and objective data using the process described in the textbook. Write a summary of the assessment and the skills utilized. Answer the following … Read more

dimension diss 8

  Directions: For this discussion, describe how you typically communicate nonverbally? Do you have particular or unique patterns of nonverbal communication? What have others said to you about your non-verbal communication? How do you think your non-verbal communication impacts your effectiveness as a communicator? In what ways do you think your non-verbal communication patterns will … Read more

Marketing Analysis

Continuing in the role of a marketing professional who has been tasked with completing a marketing plan for KFC, refer back to the research you completed earlier: Research as a starting point for the assignment. Conduct additional research related to consumer behavior, the company’s specific product or service, and the company pricing strategy, and use … Read more


 Describe the intersections and the commonalities that you see between the 3 resources on values and purpose.  Be specific and share how these themes apply to your workplace (and/or where improvement is needed).   


Analysis of financial statement Calculate the current ratio, debt ratio, profit margin, and inventory turnover of the company. Explain what each calculated ratio tells you about how well (or poorly) the company is performing.