
Describe an effective transformational leader that you know and an effective servant leader. How does these leaders exemplify the principles of each leadership style and French and Raven’s sources (bases) of power (influence)

Introduction to Global Studies

Please chose a topic that goes with this class.  Introduction to Global Studies  Please see attachment The outline will include the topic, an introduction (including the significance, contributions or impact to global events), the main body (dates, details of the topic, impacts, and any other relevant aspects), and a conclusion (the so-what aspects of the … Read more

Classical Conditioning vs Operant Conditioning

   please watch the videos provided below. Explain the difference between Classical and Operant Conditioning. Which one do you agree with or which one makes the most sense and why? Also, do you believe that punishments and rewards are effective? Please explain why or why not?  https://youtu.be/ne6o-uPJarA  https://youtu.be/PRdCowYEtAg

Journal 4: WSIDWML 2

 Choose at least one of the assigned chapters of What Should I Do With My Life? ch.  16-23 and talk us through something that struck you as valuable or  meaningful about the author’s journey. Maybe you share similar  backgrounds or experiences. Maybe you it helped you consider your own  professional and academic goals as a football and … Read more

extra credit

  Describe the conditions of Negritude, Drapetomania, and Dysethesia Aethiopica   How were these conditions treated? Why are oral histories important in the exploration of mental health experiences?  What have you learned/experienced because of this project?


Compare and contrast bipolar II from cyclothymic disorder with particular emphasis on how comprehensive assessment could help us to arrive at the correct diagnosis. Use at least 2 references with 5 years.

Engineering Applied Exercise Runge-Kutta

 *You must show sufficient detail to support your work to  earn credit for your calculations. This can be hand-written work, typed  calculations, or excel formulas. To avoid round-off error, retain  at least six decimal places in all of your calculations.  Complete  all trigonometric calculations in radians. 


1) Describe an effective transformational leader that you know and an effective servant leader. How does these leaders exemplify the principles of each leadership style and French and Raven’s sources (bases) of power (influence)?  2) Evaluate the strengths/limitations of the specific leadership style of that person in the situation they were in.  3) Based on … Read more

Statement of the problem

The purpose of this section is to develop a well-defined problem that is based on the evidence you analyzed in Part 1 and informed by current literature. After reviewing qualitative and quantitative information from Part 1, you may have identified several gaps or areas for growth. A primary factor for consideration as you defines which … Read more