answer the following question

In Zeberg and Pääbo (2020), Figure 1a is showing a Manhattan plot. The Y-axis is significance, but what is it showing the significance of? (10 points) In Figure 1B, the bar represents the core Neanderthal haplotype. There is near-complete LD of variants within this core haplotype. However, LD with variants starts to drop outside of … Read more

Articles and read analyze

Read Erickson first then read Orwell after that answer this question  Question: Kai Erikson describes communities as being “boundary maintaining” (9), which means they share a defined geographic and/or cultural space.  He argues that any behavior that pushes or crosses that boundary is considered “inappropriate or immoral” (10) i.e. deviant.  How might this definition help … Read more


Hi Everyone, I choose Options 1: Both care-based ethics and rights theory offer moral remedies for pressing societal problems, including drug addiction, lack of access to healthcare, and poverty. However, they approach the problems from different angles. Relationships and ties between individuals are prioritized in care-based ethics, and the significance of caring for others is … Read more


Business case:  White & Bule Sky Airport Miami FL. As an IT Manager, you were tasked to improve the performance of the local White & Bule Sky Airport Passenger Processing system.  This is to make the airport more efficient and more secure.  There are three databases in the Airport Passenger Processing IT system: 1-Passenger database will record … Read more

Learning More

What are the three most important things you learned this week? What questions remain uppermost in your mind? Is there anything you did not understand? Just a few sentences for each question based on powerpoint


 Post replies on the posts of other classmates that add something to the discussion utilizing concepts from the case, course, and ethical principles. You should not merely compliment classmates or post your feelings about their post but support your response with concepts from the assigned material for the course. See attached pdf. Same topic you … Read more

Executive Summary Feedback Form

Share your written proposal with your manager, supervisor, or other colleague in a formal leadership position within a health care organization. Complete the “Executive Summary Feedback Form,” located in topic Resources, during the exchange and submit the document.

You Are Aware Of It

Internet game [url=]Coreball[/url], which is based on the AA Games, is very engaging. A lot of balls need to be tossed in order to spin the “Core Ball.” The current level will remain active until finished. The tiers are separate and have their own characteristics. There will be some variation in the number of balls … Read more


  You have been assigned to analyze the project plan of a payroll system that is behind schedule and over budget. The project was supposed to be completed in one year, but now it is running about three months behind schedule and 25 percent over budget. It is expected that the project may continue to … Read more