Accounting 1 please see both attachments.

  Using this spreadsheet and the information above, complete the following: Record the journal entries that occurred during the month of December. Prepare an unadjusted trial balance. Create adjusting journal entries at the end of the year (December 31) based on the following adjustment data: One month’s insurance coverage has expired (refer to the December … Read more

Week 6 5220 Discussion

Many nonprofit organizations are being asked by funders to cut expenses and to keep management expenses to a minimum. This often puts leadership in the position of not being able to hire management staff at competitive salaries and often being unable to hire the best person for the position available. Prior to beginning work on … Read more

technology induced employment

 Defend the position that the automation/technology revolution WILL CREATE  a sufficient number of new jobs such that anyone who wants a job will  still be able to find one in the future. This is the argument (from some  experts) that, while technology will eliminate some jobs through  automation, it will also create new jobs in … Read more


  Watch the following 2 videos on the Dust Bowl (5 minutes each): 1) What were the causes of the Dust Bowl? What actions were taken to reverse it and to mitigate future occurrences (refer to the two short videos)?   2) Which anthropogenic factors affecting global farming systems do you think are the most critical … Read more

Family assignments

 Draft an advocacy letter to Congress explaining the importance of the family dynamic in children’s lives and how important the relationship between a child’s family and the school environment is. You should also make a case for increasing government funding for programs that promote family & school connections such as family literacy programs, ELL family … Read more


 Listen to a piece by Vivaldi – “Spring”  describe as many of the elements of listening and other aspects of the  piece that you hear. Also include if you like the piece or have heard  the piece before.  

journal entry

  Week 1 Focus Questions: Section 1: Foundations of Healthy Aging a) Explain the importance of a comprehensive assessment in older adults. b) Identify statistics related to aging in the United States. c) Compare the facts and myths about aging. d) Identify at least four priority nursing diagnoses in the care of older adults.  e) … Read more

Module 5

  Observing teachers can be a powerful tool for improving teaching,  learning, and overall program quality. What kinds of information can  observers collect to help inform their observation plan? What is the  role of the observer before, during, and after the observation? Watch  this video to see the observation process for a teacher. Watch what … Read more