Health Care Ethics Recommendation

  s a risk manager, you have been assigned to an organizational committee that has been asked to evaluate the organization and make recommendations to the compliance officer on ways to strengthen legal and ethical compliance. Using a memo format, you explain the effect of organizational ethics, culture, and values on compliance to evaluate business ethics. Preparing for the … Read more

Direct-to-Consumer Advertising

Respond to the Case Study presented in Chapter 12 (p. 286) about direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs. What impact have you observed in the populations you serve in your nursing practice? Comment on the ethics of this practice, in terms of autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice. 

answer questions

 video: Questions:  what have you heard, seen, or noticed in the clip that will add to our overall discussion of media? What do you agree or disagree with that Berger says/does? This clip was created in 1973–how have things changed in the media (and hence in discussions of media) since that time?


Identify two groups you belong to or have belonged to; the groups can be personal or work-related.Based on your observations of how the groups function and the interactions among the groups’ members, answers to the following questions: What was the composition of each group? What types of groups were they? Were the values and mission … Read more

Unit III Discussion – HRM

 The chief executive officer (CEO) of your organization asked you to identify required benefits and non-required benefits. Name your top two required benefits, and explain why they are important. Then, identify your top three non-required benefits, and explain how you feel they would affect hiring and retention. 

2-1 Final Project Milestone One: Draft of Introduction for Lacrosse in High Schools

 Introduce your chosen product or service from an existing sports organization as well as the overall goal of your marketing plan for promoting this product or service. This will include an overview of the current state of the sports organization and  potential opportunities for the organization.  A. Provide an overview of your chosen sports organization … Read more

video discussion

  This video provides an excellent basis for the analysis of social structure, social relations, and public institutions during a period of major upheaval in the US. In particular, you can use it to think about and apply sociological theories from the conflict and social order traditions. The point is not that one theory or … Read more