
What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of policies that encourage work-life balance? Is it realistic for a highly competitive workplace to uphold such policies? Why or why not? What is the relationship between happiness and success? Is it counterintuitive to you? Explain your rationale. How can the principles behind the science of happiness … Read more

Middle Childhood influences

  As  children move through middle childhood, parental influence is  accompanied by a number of outside influences that can shape and impact  development during this stage. These outside influences include peers,  schools, television/video games and stress. write a summary detailing which  outside influence you believe has a significant impact on middle  childhood development outside of … Read more

Pharm m5

  Module 05 Content For this written assignment, use a concept map to describe the Immune System. The concept map is a method to teach critical thinking skills and prepare you to apply nursing theory to the clinical setting.

Concept of socialization

Discuss George Herbert Mead’s concept of socialization using course theories such as Freud’s notions of the Ego, Id and Superego, Victor Turner’s 3 stages of child development involving rites of passage, and try to tie these all together into a general discussion of the ‘Self’. What does Cooley mean by the “Looking Glass Self”? (include … Read more

crjs370 dp

  Outline some of the key challenges to countering terrorists’ illicit finance efforts. Explain why it is difficult to mitigate these activities. Discuss some of the various funding sources used by terrorist organizations to raise funds. Include both legitimate and illicit sources of revenue.

work lit

   · Discuss the way that one theme, concept, or issue (ex. race, love, sex, war) has been treated across at least two stories in the semester.( story of Sunjata, story of the thousand and one nights)  · There should be claim as the thesis, something like “Sex is an important aspect of both Ovid … Read more


  Explain your patient encounter, highlighting the challenges the situation presented, and briefly summarize the contents of your journal article. What strategies did you employ to help handle the situation? What other strategies could you have used? How did you advocate for the patient in the situation? What are some of the legal and ethical … Read more

network administration

Although VPNs are relatively secure by nature, endpoints are not. Data entering or leaving the VPN is at risk. An end-user computer could be infected by malicious code that can traverse the VPN link into the company LAN. Answer the following question(s): Consider employees who work from home and use personally owned computers to access … Read more

network administration

Assume you are a network administrator. Your internal network has application servers that are accessed by inbound traffic from the Internet. You are considering several strategies. The strategy you select should provide significant control over user access. You must also ensure that all data passing into the internal network is properly evaluated before access is … Read more